1. Make clear goals
Make sure you are making your goals for the New Year very clear for yourself. There are no areas of grey. These are your goals.
2. Make the goals realistic.
We often make our goals unreachable goals that we all know we cannot and will not meet. So make the goal is a realistic one that you will stick to.
3. Don’t give up because everyone else is.
Just because everyone else is giving up on their New Year’s Resolutions doesn’t mean that you should. Be different, be the outcast of the group.
4. Make one change at a time.
You have to take it step by step. You can’t make a bunch of changes at one time because it won’t work that way.
5. Don’t go cold turkey.
Ease your way into make those changes. If you go cold turkey the chances of you being fully successful are slim to none. It is painfully hard to just cut yourself off cold turkey without easing your way into the process.
6. Get up when you fall down.
Even when you slipped up to do that thing that day or have a cheat here and there that doesn’t mean you have completely failed. Even if you are only making little progress, remember that little progress is better than no progress.
7. Have a visual representation of your goals.
When you can physically see your goals it makes it easier to reach them. Seeing your goals could easily mean simply cutting out or printing out a picture of your goal. Seeing your goals every day is like a constant reminder to you to keep pushing towards your goals.
8. Start when the New Year hits
Start as soon as the New Year hits. Don’t keep pushing your start date back, because you will keep procrastinating. Start when the New Year hits.
9. Have a someone hold you accountable.
Make sure you have a friend, family member, significant other or someone that will hold you accountable. You want someone that is going to hold you accountable, especially on the days when you want to give up.
10. How are you going to achieve your goals?
Make a list of things that you are going to do to achieve your goals. How are you going to get to your end result?