The life of a college student is guaranteed to be stressful as it's filled with responsibilities and expectations. Schoolwork should be the top priority, but students need not become homework-crazed nerds who think about nothing other than when their next essays are due. Exercise is very important for both mental and physical health. With all that they need to do, students may feel that they do not have enough spare time to stay in shape. Have no fear! Here are some easy ways to fight off the Freshman 15 and some don’t even involve exercising.
1. Make healthy meal choices.
A college student eating mac and cheese has become a cliché. If you’re looking for a nutritious and healthy meal, put down the Easy Mac and try something that isn’t loaded with artificial flavors. If you have somewhere to cook, then you can make yourself some natural pasta or, even better, a nice vegetable stir-fry. If you have a meal plan (lucky you), opt for the healthier options. Ditch the pizza and french fries and have some salad or soup instead.
2. Healthy snacks can be delicious.
In order to maintain a healthy diet you need to watch what you eat all the time. The smallest tweaks in snacking habits can greatly impact your health. Rather than a chocolate bar, have a granola bar. You’ll consume less sugar and increase your protein and fiber intake. Fruit is another great and healthy snack. There are so many options to choose from, so there’s something for everyone.
3. Make your food count.
With the hectic schedules it is easy to inhale your food without realizing. You may feel hungrier more often as a result. When you eat a snack or a meal, sit down at a table or in a chair. Eat slowly and appreciate the food. Eating more slowly will make you feel fuller and can help you avoid eating food that you don’t need. If you have time (maybe on the weekend), you can make your meals look beautiful. The more aesthetically-pleasing that your meal is, the more excited that you will be to eat it.
4. Vary your food choices.
Eating healthy can become boring if you select a set menu and stick to it day after day. Experiment and find all kinds of healthy meals and snacks that you enjoy. Having a lot of options will make it impossible for you to become bored and slip back into the habit of trying a new candy bar every day.
5. Eat enough.
If you’re trying to stay in shape and be healthy, eating enough food is crucial. Starving yourself may seem like a good idea to lose or maintain weight, but, in reality, it will only cause your body to go into starvation mode. Your body will basically shut down and attempt to retain as much fat as possible--the opposite of what you were trying to accomplish.
6. Find time to exercise.
With all the classes, essays, internships, and hanging out with friends, it can be hard to find time to hit the gym. The trick to getting a good amount of exercise is to fit it in whenever you can for as long as you can. If you have all afternoon classes, wake up early and exercise (the gym will probably be emptier in case you fall asleep on the elliptical). If you have a big test coming up, but want to squeeze in some cardio, bring your notes and walk on the treadmill while you study. Working out for 15 minutes is better than not doing it at all.
7. Don’t go overboard.
Rest is very important for both your body and your mind. If it is 11:00 p.m. and you’re totally exhausted, do not force yourself to go to the gym. Taking one day off will not hurt you, but going to the gym if you’re not up to it might.
8. Drink lots of water.
Staying hydrated is very important. Try to drink as much water as you can. Many colleges have water bottle filling stations. Staying hydrated is also great for your skin. If you’re really invested, set a goal for how many bottles you want to drink each day.
9. Have sweets in moderation.
Portion control is a must when trying to maintain your weight. If you need something sweet to keep you going, don’t eat an entire tub of ice cream. Have a scoop or two to satisfy your craving and then put it away.
10. Treat yourself.
Eating healthy does not mean never eating anything sugary and delicious. If you love ice cream, have some ice cream once in a while. Just try not to have ice cream every night.
The moral of the story is to be conscious of what you put into your body and how you spend your time. You don’t need to go to extreme measures to stay healthy. Try to follow all of this advice and you’ll go home looking just the same as you did when you left--if not better.