Let’s be honest for a second; most of us don’t get enough sleep at night to be fully functioning for 8 a.m. classes. Our lives get busy. And, unfortunately, when our lives get busy, it’s our sleep schedule that tends to suffer. The only long term solution to chronic fatigue is actually getting your eight to ten hours of sleep at night; but, we all have tough mornings. Furthermore, here are 10 ways to keep your eyes open for your early morning classes:
1. Stay hydrated:
Drinking water is pretty much a solution to everything, but especially fatigue. Caffeine may seem appealing in the early morning time, but it won’t seem so appealing during that 4 p.m. caffeine crash. Drink cold water instead. Studies have shown that cold, lemon-infused water can be just as effective as coffee in the morning. Also, let’s not forget that water with lemon is packed with antioxidants to keep you feeling fresh, rejuvenated, and healthy all day long.
2. Eat a good breakfast...and quickly:
Eating a low-sugar, high protein breakfast is a must. However, it’s also important what time you eat in comparison to what time you wake up. You should eat your breakfast within 60 minutes of your rise and shine in order to prevent a total blood sugar crash, which also results in fatigue.
3. Get moving:
This probably the opposite of what you want to do when you’re exhausted in the morning, but walking to class (if applicable) is one of the best ways to wake yourself up. There’s a reason why “crisp morning” is a popular Yankee Candle scent: revitalization.
4. Stretch:
Get rid of that stiff “I-can’t-get-out-of-bed” feeling. Take five minutes, standing or sitting, and realign your body.
5. Don't wake up extra early to finish an assignment or for last minute studying:
First off, nobody wants to do this. Second of all, it’s just a bad idea. When going to class, your focus should be on getting to class and learning, not squeezing one last cram session to do something you should’ve done earlier.
6. Don't assume you'll be able to nap later:
This one just makes you count every minute until you get out of class. We all know how miserable that feeling is.
7. Take a cold shower:
Or if you’re already in a hurry, just splash your face with cold water. Good as new.
8. Don't go to class in pajamas:
Are you trying to torture yourself? Get dressed. Wearing jeans might not be as comfortable as wearing those baggy sweatpants, but it’ll make you feel like an actual functioning human being of society.
9. Take notes:
They don’t have to be the best notes in the world, but who knows, they might come in handy later on. It’s honestly just a good idea to keep focused on something else rather than your fatigue.
10. Eat, eat, eat:
This one people tend to like to hear. Bring something to class to munch on. Whether it be nuts, popcorn, or a protein bar, it’s good to try to engage all your senses. By sitting in class you’re already engaging your ears eyes (hopefully), and by munching on something small, you engage the rest of your senses as well. Plus, it’s an excuse to eat. What’s the only thing better than sleeping? Eating. No question.