10 Self-Care Tips For When You're Stressed
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10 Self-Care Tips For When You're Stressed

Because your grades should never come before your mental & physical health.

10 Self-Care Tips For When You're Stressed
Northern Lights Blog

If the words "fourth week" mean nothing to you, then consider yourself lucky; Kalamazoo College students know these words mean imminent death. Professors usually spend the first several weeks teaching the material, and then all decide to have everything due during fourth week. I'm talking midterms, projects, papers, you name it, plus all the typical work, sports and extracurricular responsibilities.

My body is still recovering from too many late nights at the library, and I know I'm not the only one. Walking across campus, sometimes I think I'm in an episode of The Walking Dead. But when I reach the point where I start thinking, "I don't know how much more of this I can take," then I know it's time to step in with some self-care.

It can be tempting to let rest and personal happiness take a backseat when you're faced with a million deadlines, but if you don't make time for yourself, you'll just feel worse for it. Here are ten simple things that you can do to take a break, de-stress and make sure your mind and body are well taken care of.

1. Watch an episode of your favorite Netflix show.

I recently started The Vampire Diaries for the third time, but you can never go wrong with a short, light-heated show like Parks & Rec. Twenty-two minutes is the perfect amount of time to just take a step away from your homework and indulge in a little escapism. Treat yo self.

2. Eat an actual, healthy meal.

When I'm crunched for time, eating a decent meal is usually the first thing to go. I quickly learned that if you're going to cut anything, food is not it. Seriously. Your brain can't function properly if you don't provide it with nutrients, so it is crucial to make sure you're eating and drinking enough water. Sit down and eat something that you love to eat, and you will be so much happier afterward. Trust me.

3. Call a loved one.

Sometimes, all I really need to clear my mind is a short conversation with my mom or dad. They always help to calm me down when I'm stressed or anxious and offer some much-needed perspective. It always snaps me out of whatever mood I'm in to realize that there is life going on outside of my schoolwork, which had been consuming my every thought. But even hearing the sound of a loved one's voice can be enough to get you through whatever it is you're struggling with, and chances are they'll offer a nice pep talk or some advice.

4. Practice saying no.

This comes from me being such a people pleaser, but I have a hard time saying no. Saying yes to everything happens when people don't want to hurt their friend's feelings, or think that they can do it all. Soon, you find yourself with way more going on than you can handle, and stress gets worse from there. Practice saying no when there are too many demands for your time, and prioritize only the most important or enjoyable activities. Your friends are not going to love you any less if you tell them you simply can't handle any more on your plate.

5. Take a short nap.

Naps are your friend — studies have shown that taking a short 15-20 minute snooze can raise productivity and alertness for hours afterward. The trick is to avoid letting yourself fall into a deep sleep, which can make you feel groggy after waking up. Only you know your body and when you could benefit from a cat-nap, but I know it's a sad day when I can't take mine.

6. Listen to music.

This is one of my go-tos for when I want to decompress in just a few minutes. A few of my favorite Spotify playlists are "Today's Top Hits," "Mood Booster" and "Your Favorite Coffeehouse". Lay in bed and listen to your favorite songs, or get up and dance if that's what you're feeling. Also, I recently discovered listening to video game soundtracks while working. It's supposed to provide noise without disrupting focus, and it totally works.

7. Get some exercise.

Exercising releases endorphins, which make you feel happier and more energized. Plus, you feel pretty dang good about yourself when you go to the gym, which sets you up to get more done later. The best part is, getting some exercise can take so many forms: running, playing a sport, dancing, lifting weights, the list goes on. The important thing is finding one that gets your heart racing and that you enjoy doing.

8. Drink a cup of tea.

There's something about making myself a cup of tea that I just find so relaxing, and it's especially good in the winter months. Chamomile with honey is my favorite, but peppermint, earl grey and green tea are also up there.

9. Write in a journal.

Write about something that happened to you that day, what you're feeling, or what some of your goals are for yourself. Getting your thoughts down on paper can help to put them in perspective and really makes you think about how you feel and why. It's incredibly therapeutic and a good way to just slow down and relax.

10. Give yourself a pep talk.

Telling yourself "you can do this," or just smiling at yourself in the mirror can go a long way. I've gotten through many finals weeks this way. Hearing yourself say affirming and kind words helps to get past any slump you might be facing. And if you're smiling on the outside, you'll eventually feel less crummy on the inside. Fake it till you make it, people.

Life is all about balance, but, unfortunately, our busy lives sometimes feel like all work and no play. I know it can be tough to find time to do the things you enjoy with school, work and other responsibilities, but you will be much happier for it. At the very least, take time to do the bare essentials, like eating and sleeping, so that you can keep on keeping on.

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