Let's be real, we could all use some encouragement. When someone says something kind to you, you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, don't ya'?
WELL, guess what? You, yes, YOU have the ability to make people feel like that all day long with your actions.
Whether or not someone thanks you when you hold the door open for them, do it anyways. You are making their day a little less bad and a little more good.
Here are just a few of the many ways that you can remind someone they are loved, both in words, and action.
1. Leave them an encouraging note.
2. Greet them with a hug.
3. Send them an encouraging text message (or better yet, a good ole' letter)!
4. Pay for the car behind you in the drive-thru line. You may not know this person, but I can guarantee, you'll put a smile on their face.
5. Compliment them when you see something good in them. (Ex. "Hey, wow, you are kind and I love your outfit!)
6. Ask them to go get a cup of coffee.
7. Be insanely intentional with your conversations. (Make eye contact and LISTEN to them!)
8. Use their name in conversation so they know you actually know it!
9. Offer to pray for them.
10. Send them some flowers.
11. Let them into your struggle and ask them how they are REALLY doing.
12. Get them a little random gift when you see something that reminds you of them.
13. Take time out of your day to surprise them by bringing them some snacks, lunch, or dessert.
14. Include them in whatever plans you have going on that day.
15. Help them out in some way by giving them in extra hand. (Ex. Clean for them or babysit for them, parents need date nights too folks.)
16. Bake them some cookies, just because.
17. Make it a point to say, "I love you" on a regular basis if you are really close to them.
18. Offer to pay for their meal when you are out and about.
19. Ask them questions about themselves and actually get to know them more.
20. Look for the good in them even when you are angry with them.
These are only 20 ways that you can encourage those around ya' today.
It doesn't take millions of dollars to make a change in this world.
Start with where you are at and LOVE them.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." - John 13:34