There are many misconceptions about anxiety. Some people will say that you just need to "calm down" or "get over it," not realizing how silly their statement is. Why would we choose to be anxious, right? Truthfully, sometimes (especially if you have an anxiety disorder, PTSD, etc.), you just have to cope with it. Here are a few tips that have helped me over the past 19 years!
1. Take a deep breath
As silly and cliche as this one sounds, it actually does work. My favorite breathing technique is called the "4, 7, 8" technique, and it is performed just like it sounds. Slowly count to four while you inhale. Hold your breath while you slowly count to seven. Exhale as you slowly count to eight. The key is to take your time (but don't take too much time or you might turn blue!)
2. Listen to music
There are a variety of music genres that help with stress. Some say that classical music melts away stress, increases concentration, and helps your mind in general. Maybe you're not a fan of Beethoven. Never fear! I have never been a fan of classical music, but I do find instrumental music calms me down extremely quickly. Artists like the Piano Tribute Players and The Piano Guys are two of my favorites, but I also love listening to acoustic guitar, Celtic music, worship songs, and Disney soundtracks. Find what works for you.
3. Exercise
When you're anxious, sometimes you just want to curl into a ball and stay there. However, getting your blood pumping also produces serotonin, which reduces stress. Your cortisol (stress hormone) levels will also drop if you exercise. Plus, it keeps you young.
4. Grab a pet
Scientists have actually proven that pets can lower stress. There's something about unconditional love, sweet eyes, and a soft, furry body that is comforting. So, grab that puppy or kitty and start snuggling!
5. Grab a friend (or two... or three)
Oftentimes, when anxious, we just want to be alone. Sometimes this is a good idea, but many times isolating ourselves actually prolongs our misery. Being with friends (that understand your anxiety and are supportive of you, no frenemies!) can help you relax, re-direct your focus, and get out of your own head.
6. Color
Adult coloring books are actually becoming quite popular. Mandala designs are especially relaxing and take your mind off whatever is troubling you. If coloring isn't your thing, drawing, painting, or really any kind of art is incredibly relaxing, as well.
7. Meditate/Practice Yoga
This will take practice, but eventually, it does work! Yoga also doubles as exercise and meditation doubles as breathing exercises. This is probably the most relaxing multitasking you will do all day.
8. Pull out the old childhood staples
Maybe it's grilled cheese and tomato soup. Maybe it's a favorite stuffed animal. Maybe it's a movie, a book, or a favorite childhood pastime. Do whatever brings back happy memories.9. Practice spirituality
Personally, I practice Christianity and find great comfort in knowing there is a God who is with me no matter what, 24/7. Whatever you believe, cling to it. Our souls were made to believe there's something bigger out there. Whether it is reading from a sacred text, praying, or some other form of worship, spirituality/religion can definitely lower anxiety and stress.10. Know it is only temporary!
I know when someone says this, you probably have the desire to punch them in the face. I get it. It's definitely annoying. Unlike the "just calm down" remark, though, we can take comfort in this one! No anxiety attack has ever lasted forever. Your body will calm down and your mind will relax, it just might take some time.