10 Easy Ways To Make Someone's Day | The Odyssey Online
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10 Easy Ways To Make Someone's Day

You never know what someone is going through.

10 Easy Ways To Make Someone's Day
Body Rebooted

It is the smallest things in the world that can make or break someone. It's easy to get wrapped up in our own little world and not realize the people around us. Everyone has experienced a random act of kindness at some point in their lives, and sometimes that's all you need. That one smile from that girl passing you or that one text that helps you get through the day. Which leads to the ultimate question, why not? Why not be the one to make someone's day? Why not take those extra couple of minutes to send your friend a text? You never know what someone is going through at that moment, and the smallest things can make a huge difference.

1. Put your extra change in someone's meter that has run out.

Nothing is worse than coming back to your car and seeing a parking ticket that was put on there five minutes ago. It is the easiest thing in the world to put a quarter in and save someone $20.

2. Compliment them on their outfit.

Because who doesn't like a compliment? It always brings a smile to my face when someone says, "I love your shoes" or, "Where did you get that shirt from? It's super cute." So why not tell that random girl that she has good taste in clothes?

3. Ask them how their day is going.

I was recently at Walmart, and I had a huge cart full of stuff. So instead of sitting there in absolute silence, I asked the lady at the cash register how her day was going. She suddenly stopped and gave me the biggest smile and said, "My day's going great, thank you so much for asking." I then had a small conversation with her, and she told me that she had had hundreds of customers that day, and I was the only one to ask how she was doing.

4. Smile at that random person walking by you.

Everyone has experienced that awkward passing where you see each other from 50 feet away and will inevitably pass each other. Instead of staring at the floor why not smile? It is always a comforting feeling when someone smiles at you.

5. Send a text to someone you haven't talked to in awhile.

I was sitting in my room overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I had to do when my phone went off. It was a text from my friend telling me that she hoped I was having a good day and that she loved me and missed me. It was all of three sentences, but it made my day a million times better.

6. Hold the door open for someone behind you.

The worst feeling in the world is walking three feet behind someone and they let the door slam in your face. It's like, really? You couldn't hold it open for a second longer till I got in the door? Holding the door is one of the easiest things to do and goes such a long way for the person on the receiving end of it.

7. Pay it forward.

This has happened to me one time when I was at a fast food restaurant. I pulled up to the window and held out my card, and the lady smiled and said I had already been taken care of. I was so confused, and she told me the person in front of me had paid for my ticket. It brought tears to my eyes considering someone had stolen my wallet the week before.

8. Hold the elevator door open.

Everyone has been on both sides of the spectrum on this one. You have all been the one who slams your finger into the "close" button for dear life because you don't want anyone to get on the elevator with you. But you have also been the one to sprint around the corner to make the elevator, just to see it close right in front of you. So why not be the one to hold it open for another second or two and save someone else the trouble of waiting for 10 minutes for the other elevator.

9. Write a thank you note to someone who helped you.

Nothing shows that you care more than a handwritten note to someone. It doesn't have to be a novel, but a few sentences saying thank you goes a long way. It shows the other person that you took time out of your day to show that you appreciate them. And who doesn't like to know they are appreciated?

10. Let someone cut in front of you.

We've all been in a rush and everyone around you seems to be moving in Jell-O. And that one errand that was only supposed to take five minutes turned into 20 because the line wasn't moving can easily ruin anyone's day. That one person that notices you checking your watch a billion times and offers you to go in front of them makes not only your day but your life.

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