It's hard to believe that 2016 is already over and a new year is beginning. As expected, many of us have a different view and opinion on how 2016 was a year. Personally, it went by incredibly fast and had its ups and downs. 2017 is a fresh start and a new beginning to achieve those goals and experiences you weren't able to complete this past year. Here are 10 ways to make this new year a productive one with positive outcomes.
1. Don't forget to put yourself first sometimes
You may feel selfish doing this, but it is completely normal and healthy to make decisions based on what is best for you. If you always try to please others and never think about yourself, you'll end up feeling as if you're not in control of your life anymore.This in no way means forget about how others will be affected by your decisions, however, also realize you are important and your best interest should be put into consideration.
2. Stay positive
This may sound clique, however, you learn the most when you look on the bright side of a situation. I personally believe everything happens for a reason and try to live by that mantra because nothing good comes out of being negative over something you can't control. Try to think of things from a different perspective rather than focusing on how awful something seems in that moment.
3. Eat healthier
It's proven that eating better and having a healthy lifestyle improves your overall mood. This is another way to keep your stress levels down in the new year. Although it may seem impossible, it's a good idea to decrease the amount of sugar you eat to lower your chances of becoming depressed, developing diabetes, and having bad acne. Sugar is good in moderation, but should not be a key component of your everyday diet.
4. Find another hobby/activity that you love
2017 can be the year of trying something new if you have extra free time or have recently stopped doing a sport/activity. Creating a Youtube channel, joining a new club or extracurricular activity, working, and learning how to play an instrument are some ideas. Finding something else you love will keep you busy when you find yourself bored.
5. Treat yourself
For all my Parks and Recreation fans, "Treat Yo Self!". Now is the time to get that item you've been wanting but haven't gotten around to actually purchasing. Most likely, it will be on sale since holiday shopping is for the most part over. Whatever it is, you'll be able to start the new year with it!
6. Take time to make others happy
Whether it's visiting a relative you don't see often or taking the time to volunteer locally, it is always fulfilling to make someone smile. You don't need a lot of money or even a lot of time to do this, but everyone involved benefits from a good deed. There are plenty of ways to brighten someone's day and there's never a bad time to do so.
7. Stand up for what you are passionate about
Although it could be overwhelming at first, going against what other people think could end up being beneficial. People tend to agree with others, regardless of if they agree or not, in order to avoid conflict. If there's something your passionate about, it's acceptable to respectfully refute another person's view. It would be a very strange world if everyone had the same opinion and there were no disagreements.
8. Avoid negative energy
This can be extremely difficult, however, this is one way I have personally learned to improve my lifestyle. If people tend to involve you in unnecessary drama you would rather not be involved it, it's completely normal to remove yourself from the situation by either avoiding those annoying "subtweets" or explaining to them that you are not interested. Simply take the high road, be the bigger person, and be mature about what is going on. Do not completely avoid the situation, but instead talk to whoever is involved and attempt to solve the problem.Try to avoid toxic relationships and friendships by surrounding yourself with positive people.
9. Make new memories and move forward
2016 was full of many experiences and moments most of us will never forget, but 2017 is here and it's time for new memories. Meet new people, enjoy new adventures, and remember that this year is what you make of it.
10. Travel more
Life seems to be completely different when your location changes. Sometimes it's fun to take a trip to your closest city, such as New York, with friends and make a day out of it. Depending on your budget, you can also travel further and discover a new vacation spot you've never been to before. It could be fun to revisit the same state or island, but now is also the time to experience a place you have never seen before. Don't forget to take pictures to remember these incredible places.
Whether you choose to follow these 10 ways or find out what will work best for you, 2017 is a brand new start and the way you choose to live it is completely up to you. I wish you an incredible new year and hope it turns out to be one you'll love and never forget.