Most people these days know that certain human actions have a very negative impact on the Earth. What they don't know is how they can help to reduce this negative impact, on a personal level. Many of us assume that big bad climate change is going to get us eventually unless some important world leaders step up their game and make rules to prevent us from destroying ourselves. Or maybe the big smart scientists will have to come up with a nice bright solution to all our problems. Either way, what can one person do to change the world? While I'm not going to give you a pep talk and tell you how if you set your mind to it, you can do anything and so on, I am going to tell you some simple, concrete ways to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
1. Recycle, Compost, TerraCycle etc.
Do whatever you have access to. No, I don't expect you to drive to the next town over just to recycle your soda can, because that is hugely inconvenient, not to mention detrimental to the environment in other ways (we'll get to that later). However, I do encourage you to avoid throwing things away. Trash tends to sit in a landfill indefinitely or end up in our oceans and rivers. It is far better if the items you are finished with decompose naturally or are made into something else.
2. Reuse
Same idea as number one: avoid anything disposable. Reuseable shopping bags, water bottles, mugs, cutlery etc. are all good. Or make up your own use for something that was originally intended for something else. Use those old, torn t-shirts as cleaning rags or fill that empty cookie tin with sewing supplies (everyone knows that one, right?) Be creative!3. Turn off, unplug
Unplug electronics/appliances (cell-phone chargers, microwaves, alarm clocks etc.) when you are not using them and turn off lights in rooms that are unoccupied. Did you know that plugged in electronics still use electricity even when you are not using them? The easiest way to remedy this is to use a power strip so that you can simply turn off one switch instead of unplugging everything. Electricity typically relies on coal and other non-renewable sources of energy. That means that even if we ignore the fact that coal mining is harmful to coal miners (which we shouldn't) we still have to face the fact that we are going to run out of coal at some point. Yes, some electricity comes from the sun or the wind or any number of renewable sources but right now these make up a very small percentage of the total amount of electricity produced. Combined hydroelectric, and non-hydro renewables (wind, solar, biofuels, geothermal etc.) make up only about 11% of American energy. See
4. Minimize water usage
5. Avoid driving
6. Invest in making your home eco-friendly
I'm not saying you have to immediately renovate your whole house, but whenever something breaks, replace it with a more eco-friendly version. Replace halogen light bulbs with compact flourescents or LEDs and use low flow shower heads as well as water efficient toilets, dishwashers and washing machines. You can also add flow-reducers to existing faucets and shower heads (they are typically less than $5). Pay attention to Energy Star ratings to find energy-efficient appliances. It may be more expensive up front but it will save you money on electric and water bills later on.
7. Take advantage of thermodynamics
The basics: use air conditioning and heat as little as possible. I know this can be difficult depending on the climate you live in but do what you can. Wear a sweater around the house instead of cranking the heat all the way up or open your windows at night to let the cold air in instead of immediately turning on the AC. Use a programmable thermostat.
8. Wash clothes on cold water or "brights" setting and hang dry
According to Energy Star, about 90% of the energy it takes to operate a washing machine goes toward heating the water. Clothes dryers require a huge amount of energy to operate. Save energy by washing your laundry in cold water and letting it air dry. Plus, your clothes will last longer and you won't need to iron them as often! For more clothes washing tips see
9. Pay attention to where things are coming from
10. Don't use pesticides, fertilizers, DDT based insect repellents or other toxic chemicals
Again, these types of chemicals tend to accumulate in soils and water, not only contaminating animal habitats but affecting humans as well. Would you want to eat a fish that had been swimming in arsenic? I don't think so.