Have a paper due tomorrow that you really don't want to start? Significant other won't answer your texts? Perhaps you actually just have nothing better to do?
Well, fret no more! Here's 10 ways to keep yourself busy.
1. Write a list of things you love, hate, have traveled to, or want to travel to. List 'em.
This gets fun real quick. Just go off. Let it all out. (The hate list is my favorite)
Example: I hate chewy bacon.
2. Kid, clean your room.
We all know it's dirty.
Start with washing your dirty clothes, you animal.
3. Go visit your grandparents or other relatives.
They'll be happy to see you anyway!
4. Cook yourself something.
Food is fantastic. Make it a time consuming preparation of a dish.
(I have no recommendations, I only know how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches)
5. Harass your friends to do something with you.
Movie theater? Go out to eat? Shopping?
Start with saying: "Hey, please save me. " then follow up with "...from boredom" once they answer. Chances are they won't ignore that text.
6. Look at old pictures of your childhood or with your friends.
You know the ones in the attic or something.
I know this one takes a lot of effort.
7. Join Odyssey Online.
Seriously, contact your college!!
Shameless plug, sorry.
8. Start a Netflix show.
But don't be basic.
Ever heard of "Sons of Anarchy?"
9. Online Shop.
Even if you don't have money.
There's nothing wrong with being window shopper.
10. Nap.
This is a personal favorite.
Now you'll be busy and you'll be refreshed to continue doing nothing afterwards!
Well, I hope this article dug up some of your time that you probably should've dedicated to studying or something. You're welcome.