No one knows about stress as much as your average college student. Anytime of year at University is stressful and overwhelming...especially nearing the end of the semester. Exam week, finals, last minute point opportunities, and tests you forgot about until the night before, it's all more than we were prepared to handle. No matter how stressed you get, you have to keep in mind that the end of the semester is right around the corner. Here are some tips on how to make it through to the end.
1. Get a puppy, so you always have someone to hug.
2. For those of us who are 21, keep a bottle of wine handy and your best friend on speed dial.
3. And when the bottle of wine just won’t do it, scream in the middle of the Quad.
4. Lie on the floor, even if you’re walking in to class. Just do it. There’s no shame in your horizontal game.
5. Have a good cry sesh. I’ve found that the best place to cry is the second floor of the library in between the stacks because your cries are just loud enough to not disturb anyone.
6. Keep a candle, preferably Pine, with you at all times to alleviate stress. Light it in the middle of a lecture if need be. You’re stressed, they’ll understand.
7. Lie down on the fourth floor of the library and question how you’ve come to this point in your life.
8. Get your roommate to spend the night out so they don’t have to witness your ice cream and Scandal binge.
9. Eat your weight in pizza from the dining halls.
10. Tattoo a calendar onto your arm so you can tally down the days until it’s Christmas break.
The end of the semester gets to the best of us. Whether it be the stress from sharing a space the size of a closet with someone for so long, or the fact that you have less and less opportunities to bring your grade up, everyone will have a little freak out. That's just a normal part of college. But if you're able to take a few deep breaths, keep your head up, and make sure you have your best friends and favorite ice cream on hand, you'll be able to make it through.