Sometimes life throws a curveball at you and knocks you down so hard that you don't know how to get back up. Sometimes life sits in your blind spot and you don't know where to look or how to find it. Sometimes people and situations change so suddenly that you don't know how to catch up.
When life does this to you, it's hard to feel like you have any control or any idea who you are anymore; or you get hit with the fact that you are tired of feeling the way you do. It's difficult to find a way to feel like brand new again after life makes you feel like crap. I know 10 ways to make you feel new again and feel like you have a grasp back on your life.
1. Delete unwanted social media.
Social media takes the worst toll on us, yet it is very difficult to just cut out completely. Sometimes you have apps that you haven't used in a long time that are just taking up space on your phone. Sometimes you have apps that you do use and take up space in your life that could be used elsewhere. Deleting these things will open up your mind to be without social media, and give you one less reason to pick up your phone and worry about what is happening 24/7.
2. Delete unwanted people.
How many times do you get annoyed or upset because you see your ex or an old friend doing something you don't like? Or how many posts on your timeline are just sad, depressing and full of hate? Seeing things that make you upset only bring you down and make you fall back into a rut that is hard to get out of, especially when you are trying to feel new again. Delete the people from your social media that only cause you to feel bad! Don't sit and suffer through it anymore! Delete the people that post sad and hateful posts. You feel for what you see and it only makes you feel bad. Start following things that make you happy!
3. Switch up your electronics.
It's no secret that we use our electronics more than not. They always have a big influence on how we feel or what we do. Do something new with your phone; like change the background to something positive and uplifting, or add some new music to it to jam to randomly! Clean up your music library and make designated playlists, then get new happy music! Change things up on your tablet and download an app or book that will make you smile! It may not seem like much right now, but I promise it will make you feel new.
4. Rearrange your living space.
Sometimes we forget to switch things up and clean under our beds because we forget to move things around once in a while. Changing where your bed/couch is and the angle at which you relax will definitely make you feel new. It may not be comfortable at first, but giving it a couple of days, you will feel happy about the change.
Nothing feels new without feeling clean. This applies to your living space, your car, your pet, your phone and especially yourself. Cleaning provides you a way to make everything nice and new once again. When cleaning, you can get rid of things of the past that should not be still sitting in an old drawer. Cleaning your closet will open you up to a new and improved wardrobe. When you get rid of things of the past, you have room to grow. So go on and clean!
6. Change something about you.
Change can get out of control sometimes, but when life changes something for you, take control and change something you want to change. Change your hair, change your clothes, change your friend group up. Change something you want to change. It will make you feel like you have control over your life, rather than life controlling you.
7. Go on an adventure with friends.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade with friends. Not only will they help remind you that life can't beat you down, they will help erase the bad and make room for the good. Seeing a new place will open up your mind to a new perspective, plus it will give you a break from an old view that you are tired of looking at. Grab some music, some snacks, a couple of friends and go!
8. Go on an adventure with yourself
Solitude is not always fun, but always needed. Nothing will make you feel more connected with you than sitting in a secluded area with only your thoughts. People influence us in great ways, but they also can steer us away from what we actually want. That's why you should go on a mini adventure with you and only you, asking questions you don't want to answer, and tuning into your heart and mind.
9. Reach out to people you miss.
Sometimes life leads us away from people on accident and we lose track of people we once knew all about. Reaching out to the people you miss will not only make them feel good, but you will feel a little more whole inside knowing about their life. Tell them you love them and miss them. It will make you feel good.
10. Focus on you.
It can get hard to focus on yourself when you have many other people you care about in your life. It is great to care for others, but you can lose yourself on the way. Focus on you, and you will find yourself in the process; whether it's a new or old you.