Being away is not an easy task. Then throw in having to take 12 plus credits, homework, studying, exams, midterms and of course, finals. If you are anything like me, you feel stressed just reading those words. Do not have fear, there is a list on how to distress right here! I know you have limited resources while living on campus, but these 10 ways could not be any more simplistic. I hope they help you just as much as they help me. Wishing you a stress free and successful semester!
1. Go to the gym.
I am no fab, fit and fun queen, but when I feel like the stress is basically pouring out of my ears I throw on my Nikes and hit the gym. Running on the treadmill not only burns calories but stress, too!
2. Listen to music.
Blast it or play it softly, whatever your heart's content may be. Pop, rock, rap or even classical. We all have our guilty pleasures. Indulge yourself in the music that frees your mind and soul while washing the stress away.
3. Go for a walk.
Sometimes the four walls of your dorm room are trapping all the stress in. So, get out! It doesn’t have to be a beautiful spring day for a walk. Put on a sweater and a scarf, breathe in the crisp fall air. Take in the natural environment.
4. Watch your favorite movie.
Chick flicks or comedies, horror or your basic Disney. We all have a favorite that we can basically watch more times than we will actually admit. Put on your favorite cinema delight and forget the stress for an hour and a half, unless your favorite movie is the Titanic, then you’ll be stress free for three and a half hours.
5. Take a shower.
Wash away your worries in the shower. Massage your scalp and rinse off all the stress. Who knew a bar of soap and some water could make such a difference?
6. Drink some tea.
This warm and soothing drink is known for calming nerves and granting some of the most stressed out people with relaxation.
7.Turn your phone off for a little while.
A lot of stress stems from the world around us considering it is basically at our fingertips thanks to smart phones. Ditch your cell phone for an hour or two.
8. Write in a journal.
Sometimes expressing yourself on paper can release a lot of your internal feelings. Having a diary or notebook just to let out your emotions can make a world of difference.
9. Do something you love.
I personally bake cupcakes when I’m stressed so if you see me, please take a cupcake because I have way too many. But, if you like to play an instrument or kick around a soccer ball, go find your mini escape and watch your stress slip away.
10. Take a nap.
Stress can’t haunt you in your dreams. Get your favorite pillow and cuddle up for a little while. I’m not suggesting you sleep away your worries, but a nap can do your body good. Think of all the energy you will have when you wake up from that much needed slumber!