We are constantly thinking of ways in which we could better ourselves. We think and think but we never really do. Here are some things you can follow to better yourself overall.
1. Read everyday
Although college students do this on a daily basis it's always good to pick up a book of your liking.
2. Learn a new language
You may be monolingual or bilingual. Either way, it's always fun to pick up another language even though it's just the basics.
3. Get out of your comfort zone
Whether it's talking to a stranger or speaking up during class, be courageous every day and watch how much you grow as a person.
4. Mediate
We all need to relax sometimes and forget about all our problems and I have learned that meditating works wonders. Start with 5 minutes a day and continue progressing more and more. You will feel the difference!
5. Avoid negative people
The less negative people in your life the better! Surround yourself with positive people those who support you and motivate you every step of the way!
6. Let go of the past
Letting go isn't easy. At some point in our life letting go of the past is the best option. Is it the easiest? No. But we need to move on with our life and focus on our future.
7. Learn from your friends
We all have different experiences and face different struggles and who better to learn from or ask for advice other than your friends?
8. Overcome your fears
We are all afraid of something and little by little we should overcome our fears.
9. Wake Up early
Start your day when the sun comes up! You will feel a lot better and get a lot more done during the day if you do so! Also, it beats waking up in the late afternoon because you miss all the sunshine.
10. Start a journal
Memories are good why not write them down? Write down your favorite thing, not so favorite things, and things you want to do again.