With 2017 just beginning, I know so many people have plans to have a better year. I know one of my main resolutions, which I am sure many others can attest to, is trying to be healthier. Now, in previous years, I have tried to become healthier and it just never works. It is like I always set myself up for failure with these unrealistic goals of losing X amount of weight, getting abs, or not eating any sweets. But, in reality, I am only human and this year I realized that I am by no means ever going to be perfect. I am always going to want ice cream from time to time, and I will NEVER look like a body builder. So instead, this year I made a vow to just be "healthier". I decided I am just going to try and alleviate some bad habits, and overall improve the way I live my life. Here at 10 easy switches that I am trying to do in my life and something I feel like we can all try to apply in 2017.
1. Pay attention to your coffee creamers.
Everyone these days is busy, and has hectic schedules. This is why so many of us resort to coffee. It speeds up your metabolism, aids digestion, and gives you great energy when you have none. However, what most people don’t pay attention to is the fact that those 3 qualities really only apply to black coffee. Starbucks, Tim Hortons, and even grocery store coffee creamers make it so your black coffee taste much better, however they are loaded with unnecessary sugars, carbs, and calories that take away all the wonderful benefits that coffee does give to you. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still drink my coffee with creamer, but I read the labels now. Most of the time liquid creamer is MUCH worse than powdered creamer for your coffee, and has loads more of sugar in it. So instead, purchase the powdered creamer or "coffee mate single serving creamers” that are the original flavor. They have half the calories, and NO carbs or sugar. On the contrary, if you are a coffee lover that orders their favorite drink on the go, try asking for it with fat free milk, or some places you can even just use the phrase “skinniest possible” or “lowest calorie possible”.
2. Be aware of the easy access to cheap fitness memberships.
Many of us want to get fit or healthier, but don’t want to spend the money on trainers, yoga packages, kickboxing classes, etc. However, we should be aware of the many cheap memberships surrounding us. Planet Fitness is open 24-7 and is only $10 a month! There are many other gyms like Snap Fitness, Anytime Fitness, or Endurance Fitness that are also 24-7 and relatively cheap too. That said, putting $10 aside for the gym is like going out to eat one time less per month. How EASY.
3. Try to exercise for 30 minutes everyday.
With that stated above, having a gym membership makes exercise so easily accessible. But, even if you don’t have a gym membership, go for a walk, explore the local park, run on the beach, DO SOMETHING. Exercising for just 30 minutes a day fills us with more energy, helps us live longer, and keeps us in the shape we want to be. Set aside 30 minutes for a walk with your dog instead of sitting on your phone scrolling through twitter (guilty as charged).
4. Don’t skip breakfast, EVER.
You may be the type of person who wakes up and isn’t hungry. But more than likely, if you are that person, you probably are already in the habit of not eating breakfast. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, it provides us with energy and gets our metabolism started. So even if you can’t force yourself to have a 3-egg omelet with toast everyday, just having a small piece of fruit or bagel is better than nothing. Everyone starts somewhere.
5. Eat smaller meals, more frequently.
So many people have misconceptions on the right portions of meals, and how often to eat. Many people will overeat at lunch and think “well I am just going to skip dinner to make up for that”. But, this is SO SO wrong and only hurting you. It is said that if we eat well balanced meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner on top of a few small snacks throughout the day, we will lose weight faster or maintain our current weight. Doing so helps speed up your metabolism, were eating only once or twice a day slows down our digestive system, causing weight gain. An easy way to help start applying this to your life if by prepping your food, and/or packing your meals for when you know you are going to be on the go. That way you won’t skip your meals AND you won’t settle for a meal that isn’t healthy (AKA fast food).
6. Save the dressing or the sauce for the side.
Ranch, Italian dressing, ketchup, tartar sauce, the list of great dressings that make our food taste SO much better is endless. Yet, smothering our foods in one of these dressings can make a healthy turkey burger or a grilled chicken salad SO bad for you. Therefore, I advise you to put the dressing on the side. Don’t just dump your ranch on top of your salad, instead have it on the side and add it as needed OR even just dip your fork in it before you go for a bite. You are more than likely to use LESS dressing/sauce this way and save yourself from so many unnecessary calories.
7. Try as much as you can to NOT go out to eat.
As much as I love going out to eat and catching up with friends, or saving myself the hassle of cooking, I try to limit myself to the times go out to eat. Going out to eat can ruin a good day of eating, or even a week just based off how the restaurant cooks their chicken, their steak, etc. You can try as much as you want to eat healthy when going out to eat, but in reality, you DON’T know how they are cooking your food, and in your own kitchen, you do.
8. However, if you are planning to eat out, EAT HALF.
BUT, if you are going to go out to eat, watch how you order your meals and try to eat ONLY HALF. In America, we think “bigger is better” but with our food, and weight, that’s not the case. We over portion our meals and love to eat a quarter pounder burger when really we should probably not eat half of that meal. So try to limit yourself to the portion of your meal that you do consume.
9. Add more color to your plate.
Add some color to your plate. The more color on it, the better nutrition you are receiving. With adding fruits and veggies to our plates at every meal, we receive so many key nutrients like fiber, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. And making sure that at least half our plate is colorful at each meal, we will easier satisfy the amount of fruits and veggies we need to consume each day.