It's that time of year again. The seasons are changing and everyone is getting sick. As someone who currently has a sick roommate, I can offer a few tips on how to avoid sickness.
1. Take vitamins
2. Drink a glass of OJ a day
3. Get at least 6 hours of sleep a night
Lack of sleep = low immune system
4. Wash your bed at least every other week
Get all your sweat and dead skin out of there.
5. Get your vaccines
6. Clean your room
You can seriously reduce your chances of being sick if you keep your room clean. If you have a bathroom attached to your room, clean your bathroom at least once a week, and try to wipe down your doorknobs and faucet knobs a few times a week.
7. Avoid sharing drinks with people
This should be a no-brainer.
8. Get a new toothbrush every month, especially if you've been sick
Avoid putting your toothbrush in one of the travel containers because they are impossible to always keep dry, so bacteria grows them. That means bacteria is growing on your toothbrush.
9. Ditch your friends when they are sick
Again, a no-brainer. Avoid them like the plague.
10. Hand sanitizer and basic medicines
Everyone should have some NyQuil, Benadryl, some form of decongestant, cough drops, and Tylenol/Motrin/Advil.
May the odds be in your favor.