In the past week this country elected a new president. This is not a man that everyone loves and in fact, many of us may be feeling scared, helpless, powerless, and uncertainty about the future of this country and what his presidency will mean for us.
Instead of fighting each other, I wanted to make a list of other ways to stay informed, love each other, and debate in a safe and healthy way. You cant expect to change people's minds, but you can find those who are like minded and stand strong in your cause.
1. Love Each Other
Don't spread the hate. Make a friend, stay informed and be open and willing to listen to on another. Respect each others opinions, but also know that your beliefs do matter. Fighting with someone until you're blue in the face will accomplish nothing. Think bigger.
2. Promote Equality
Equality shouldn't have to be a question, it should be the answer. Stand for equality, fight for equal pay, women's rights, equal rights for everyone. Don't back down and don't let someone take you down because you may look different from them.
3. Stay informed
A lot of us felt like crawling under a rock and not emerging for four years when the election happened. But our greatest weapon is knowledge. Stay informed, watch the news, keep track of what is happening in the world because ignorance is not always bliss.
4. Make Art
Art is a great way to release stress. Whether it be writing, poetry, drawing, or theatre, continue doing what you love and fight for it to be seen. Your voice matters.
5. Plant a Tree
With a government in place that doesn't believe in climate change it is important now more than ever to keep the earth healthy for everyone. Plant a tree, walk through nature, learn about sustainability, and do your part to keep the air and water clean.
6. Join a Peaceful Protest
Martin Luther King Jr. believed in peaceful protesting. He said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Fight hate with love, fight ignorance with knowledge, but don't vandalize and don't become violent. There is a divide in this country that needs to be healed peacefully.
7. Help a Friend
If you know someone who has been a victim of a hate crime, or who is just as scared as you are then let them know you are there. Don't be afraid to express your sentiments to your friends because chances are, they are feeling the same way you are.
8. Volunteer
Becoming a part of a community is a great way to give back, help those in need, and feel like maybe everything doesn't have to be bad. Give hope and love to someone who needs it, whether it be an animal or another person.
9. Talk to Others
Communication is important and now is not the time to be closed off. Be open, be honest, don't be afraid of what others might say because it's not fair that other people can voice their opinions while you are expected to stay quiet and join them. That's not the reality of this world.
10. Take Care of Yourself
Self-care is important. Recognize when you need a break, or if you need help of any kind. Talk to your friends, find a therapist, join a group. Don't close yourself off. Be safe, be caring to yourself, and know that you are important.
The future may look uncertain, but I still have hope. I still want us to be able to do what we love, to say what we want to say, and do what we want to do in the name of love, caring, and equality.