After being gone from school for so long, its hard to get back into the groove of college. There's no more sleeping in, no more free time, and more work to do than you've had in weeks. Let's face it, the break just wasn't long enough. So, what can you really do to make sure that you get in A in your classes even though, you would really, really rather be curled up in bed with a comfy blanket and Netflix?
1. Sleep
Making sure that you get enough sleep each night is essential. Everyone is different, and need different amounts of sleep, so make sure that you are getting the perfect amount of rest each and every night.
2. Eating
Food is the key ingredient in your recipe for success. Maintaining a healthy diet, and providing yourself with nutrients each and every day will give you the energy to make sure that you're awake and pay attention during your class lectures.
3. Keep up with the due dates
Now, this may seem simple, but it's no easy task. Make sure that you are planning ahead for deadlines, so that you're not stressing the day its due to write a paper that's worth 40% of your grade.
4. Don't procrastinate
Procrastination is the worst possible thing that you can do if you're trying really hard to get an A in your classes. Basically, plan ahead, whether for assignments, classes, spending time with friends and family.
5. Show up for class (on time)
If you really want that A, then you should be regularly attending your classes... on time. A lot of times its really hard to make sure that you're there for the class on time, especially if it's a morning class, but in the long run, you'll benefit the most from being at the lecture.
6. Pay attention during the lecture
This one, requires you to put your phone down unfortunately, and stop listening to Netflix on your headphones during class. If you want the A, you're going to have to buckle down, listen to the lecture, and take notes on the material.
7. Buy the text book
Sorry, but if you want to pass, you're going to have to purchase the text book, even if it is really expensive.
8. Read the textbook
For the A, you're going to have to sit down and read the text book. This will benefit you in the long run. You'll find that you will benefit more so from having the information from the book and the lecture, especially if you're paying attention.
9. Submit your assignments on time
To truly earn an A, it's better to make sure that you're submitting your assignments in a timely manner, instead of submitting them late. Late work will either not be accepted, or points will be deducted, which will make it even harder to get an A.
10. Study
This is the most important thing that you could do. Make sure that you are planning out time to study for your tests and quizzes. Typically tests and quizzes make up the most of your grade, and you will benefit from studying the material when it comes time to take your exams.