As the month of May rolls around every year, I find myself finishing up finals and packing up my room — ready to go home! As I dig into the back of my closet to find a pair of shorts, I stumble upon a dusty box covered in cobwebs. Puzzled, I open it up and stifle a scream of sheer horror and panic. Bathing suits. Dozens of them. Oh God, please no. I start breathing heavily and think back to when I was making my New Year’s Resolution to hit the gym and get back into shape before summer started. I didn’t do it. I break out in a cold sweat and look outside the window … the sun is out. I’m too late; summer is already here.
Summer seems to sneak up on me every year, and I always find myself wondering why females are forced to conform to the misogynistic constraints of society by wearing practically nothing to the beach. But then I remember that bikinis are cute. And fun. While it’s impossible to take back all the late night Cook Out runs and midnight bingefests, it’s not impossible to obtain a new attitude for summer. So here’s my list of 10 ways you can begin to accept and love your body just in time for summer.
1. Put on your favorite bikini and look in a full length mirror.
Tell yourself, “Damn, I look good.” Never mind your adorable little love handles or your pooching snack pouch — remember all the great meals you ate to get those bad boys. Pinch the fat. Embrace the fat. Jiggle it. Consider everything extra a sign of happiness and contentment. Or, if you're not packing anything extra and you worked your ass off in the gym (unlike moi), then definitely give yourself a pat on the back.
2. Buy new clothes with no remorse.
I’ve had to upgrade a few pairs of shorts after I was hit by the freshman 15. But that’s OK. New clothes, yay! Wear things that compliment your wonderful body shape and donate the old stuff. Don’t look back.
3. Stop comparing yourself to others.
Look at their Instagram pictures, but don’t obsess over them. Everyone has a different body type, diet and exercise regimen. Some girls are blessed with great genes, and others aren’t. It’s pointless to covet a body that isn’t yours, and you’re going to end up missing out on all the great stuff about yourself.
4. Reflect on what your body is capable of doing, not how it looks.
Got big thighs? Great! Imagine how far you can run with those. Got a little extra something in the back? “Baby Got Back” wasn't written about Taylor Swift. Remember all the amazing things your body can do and all the places it can take you. Once you stop worrying about how it looks all the time, you’ll be able to appreciate its capabilities.
5. Remember weight is not synonymous with health.
For God’s sake, can we stop using scales already? What the scale says has no indication of your worth or lifestyle. You could be 98 pounds and be unhealthy and miserable, or you could weigh 200 pounds and have pure, lean muscle and so much energy you could run a marathon. Weight means nothing — so stop stepping on the scale and just throw it out.
6. Treat yourself!
If you want ice cream, please just eat the damn ice cream. One bad meal won’t make you obese, just like one good meal won’t make you Jillian Michaels. Give your body what it craves — it’s summer after all.
7. Look at yourself through the eyes of your pet.
Dude, your dog/cat/hamster/bird/lizard loves you so much. Every time you come home, they're so excited to see you. They don't care how you look, they just care that you're their human and they are loyal to you forever. Remember your pet loves you for you ... and that should be more than enough.
8. Remember positivity is so much easier to achieve.
Do you know how much energy, time and effort it really takes to hate yourself all the time? I don’t know about you, but I’m honestly over spending all that time hating myself when I could focus my efforts on other important things. Get over yourself and realize that it’s so much easier to just accept and embrace yourself for the way you were made, rather than be negative and miserable all the time. Also don’t forget negativity is contagious, and other people won’t want to spend time with you if you’re always complaining.
9. Keep in mind your body is not a reflection of you.
No matter what anyone says, you are not the sum of your imperfections. If you radiate happiness and love, no one is really going to care about how you look. Remember that some of the most beautiful people in the world are the unhappiest; accept yourself and move on.
10. Realize the world does not revolve around you.
A wonderful thing that my parents constantly remind me of is that no one really cares about what you do or how you look. Just try to remember the rest of the seven billion people on Earth are so much more concerned with themselves than you. All eyes are not on you, so take yourself out of the spotlight. And remember: those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
While my list isn't perfect and it's a work in progress, I just want people to remember that you should never sacrifice your happiness or sanity for a good body. You have better things to worry about, like changing the world ... or petting as many dogs as possible.