10 Ways To Make Tech Week A Better Week (& Survive it..) at DFA... | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways To Make Tech Week A Better Week (& Survive it..) at DFA...

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10 Ways To Make Tech Week A Better Week (& Survive it..) at DFA...
University of Houston School of Theater

It's the week of the show and all hell is breaking loose at DFA. Students complaining about rehearsals, academic teachers complaining about rehearsals, fine arts teachers giving notes complaining about rehearsals, but yet, somehow, you want to maintain a content happy after school life of tech week? A few things I've recently learned:

1. Keep your stage manager and director happy

We know, and I KNOW we all know, that a lot of times, especially during tech week with that extra flow of low adrenaline and tiredness, what our directors tell us may not always seem.. Uh.. rational. BUT, you have to do it regardless for the sake of the show. This is a high stress level week for EVERYONE especially your stage manager and director, so if you want to avoid an explosion? Keep them happy.

2. Keep your immune system happy

BOYYYYYYYYY, there is NOTHING worse than being sick during tech week. Personally, I could REALLY learn from this bullet because I get sick either the week of the show or the week before EVERY SINGLE TIME! It sucks! It’s so restrictive, you can’t fully get things done, it’s frustrating, etc. etc. So (especially during tech week) take vitamins, drink orange juice, drink tea, and this leads me to the next bullet…

3. Sleep whenever you can

As much as they teach us otherwise at Davidson, sleep IS important. If you don’t sleep you will end up looking and feeling like you’ve been hit by a car. Your immune system is much weaker, your irritability level is through the roof, and your focus? It’s just kind of… I don’t know… wondering off somewhere by itself like a child who’s lost its mother.

4. Do not (I repeat) DO NOT overbook

You know when tech week is… It’s never going to change… It’s always the same week of the show. CLEAR YOUR CALENDAR FOR THAT WHOLE WEEK because you and I both darn well know that the Beverly Barnhardt Theater is your home for the next five days, so you might as well get comfortable in those fold out chairs and on Betty’s comfortable red couch! (Personally, I like the floor in wings backstage, we’ve become much acquainted recently, and I’d do anything to avoid the couch in the green room…). And let EVERYBODY know that you “can’t because you have rehearsal.” Put some things off if need be!

5. Get a good friend or family member & give them the title of “runner”

Face it. You can try all you want to race through that afternoon traffic to get something to eat by leaving at 3:13 and trying to be back at 3:30, but it doesn’t always work out as planned right? Introducing: THE RUNNER! That’s right guys, everybody pick out their favorite person (who isn’t involved in the show) take up some money and some orders and send them on their way! That way everybody gets fed and no one is as cranky (:

6. Avoiddddddd DRAMMAAAAAAA

Drama in a drama production is the WORST. Save it to the week after please please please please pleaseeeee. Cause this week? Ain’t nobody got time for that! The negative vibes just aren’t needed :(

7. Good show vibes, nice show vibes, good nice nice good show vibes..

Which brings me to this point… We all have our negative moments, but especially during tech week, we need to erase them and try to bring in some better vibes, because the only thing negative vibes is going to do is just make some people realllllll female-doggyish.

8. Bring some headphones

Sometimes, you will need a moment to yourself and that is TOTALLY understandable. Whether it is to get into character or get away from everybody else, we got you! We FEEL you! Just plug in your headphone, play some songs to ease your soul and calm your mind and try to get back into the swing of things, I promise you can see a MAJOR difference if you do so. Sometimes, this is the only way for me to survive tech week at DFA!

9. Water!!

Drinking water is actually kind of calming and energizing for me! Also, it keeps you from getting sick. Also, it keeps you from passing out! Also, it’s really important to stay hydrated. Also, those stage lights? Will have you sweating bullets, fam. Also, it’s good for your skin when you get on stage! Also, if you can have a humidifier in your dressing room, those are gifts from up above!!!

10. Do NOT let academics stress you out

Do I really need to go into this or is this self-explanatory? Homework is about 75% more intimidating than usual during tech week, so use your Davidson student skills… and ya know… help each other out. (:

WITH THIS ALL BEING SAID, May tech week at DFA be in your favor for years to come...

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