With the fall semester coming to an end, we all are in survival mode. We just got that sweet taste of Thanksgiving break and now we're ready for that nice long winter break that is just ahead of us. So here are a few ways that we can make it through these last weeks of the semester.
1. Get ahead
If you know you have assignments due soon, but you feel like you have enough time, you're probably kidding yourself, there is never enough time. So get them done now and you won't feel stressed on time.
2. Get some sleep
Might as well stock up on sleep before finals. You know studying, exams, and papers are going to take up a lot of your time, so get a good night sleep while you can.
3. Take a break now
Enjoy some time with your friends and get some of that Christmas shopping done. You will be busy so enjoy their company before you go home to spend time with your family.
4. Prepare yourself
Know when and where your exams are (especially if you're a freshman) and prepare whether you need flash cards or a study guide.
5. Know your limits
If you know that you can stay up until 3AM and then go to class at 8AM and do well on your exams do it. If you're someone like me who requires at least 7 and a half hours to function like a human being know you need that sleep.
6. Ask for help
If you know your grade is dependent upon the next couple of weeks and you aren't doing well. It is okay to ask for help, from a friend, another classmate, or even a tutor, it is okay to ask for it.
7. Don't wait until the night before
If you start studying in advance, your brain is more likely to retain the information and you might do better than cramming the night before.
8. Relax
Take a break and relax, watch some Netflix or a movie. Now is your time before you have too much on your plate, and don't feel guilty about it either.
9. Call your mom
If you feel too stressed or need some advice, call your mom. She'll make you feel better and remind you that there is only a little bit more time until you're back some in your comfortable bed with your dog.
10. Believe in yourself
Know that you can make it through these last few weeks and you'll be fine. Once you're through this, you have a nice long break before getting back into the grove of school.