Here we are, just a few days into the new year and we're all trying to figure out how to make this the best year possible. Most of us would like to reach a spiritual, mental, physical, and financial high before the end of 2016. With these plans kept in mind, there should be no reason that each of us will not be able to reach our goals!
1. Write It Down
Someone once told me to "write it down," that writing it down ensures that I will complete it. Whether it's an assignment, a goal, a grocery list...just write it down, do it, cross if off, and keep moving.
2. Read.
There's so much to learn just by picking up a book and reading. Expanding your knowledge and vocabulary is never a mistake.
3. Figure out who you are.
It may take a lot of digging but soon enough, it'll work out.
4. Be persistent.
5. Treat your body better.
This means to eat healthier! I brought 2015 to an end by becoming a vegetarian. You don't have to make that commitment, but eating healthy and exercising would be a great start to the new year! If you feel good, you'll look good, and do good.
6. Figure out what you want to do with your life.
7. Plan
Start planning for the future: save your spare change and loose dollars. I always have my debit card, so loose cash and change goes directly into my piggy bank.
8. Create a memory journal!
Write down all the good things that happen to you throughout the year, and look at them when you're feeling down.
9. Invest in your future!
No one will believe in you until you give them a reason to, even if it's a far-fetched goal. Do your research and keep working.
10. Get in Touch With Your Spiritual Side
Meditate. Pray. Do yoga. Even for 20 minutes every day in a nice quiet spot.
By keeping each of these points in mind as you begin the new year and progress through it, there should be no reason not to reach all of your goals!
Good luck!