Well, it’s that time again—midterms are quickly approaching. And while we all dread it, we know that it’s coming and want to be prepared for when it comes. Here are some tips for studying and staying sane during midterms!
- Focus on One Subject at a Time. Studying can be very overwhelming—with so many exams, there’s a lot of information. Don’t look at all of the subjects at once or try and study multiple subjects in one sitting. Try and focus on one subject at once, that way you’re less likely to be overwhelmed or have a nervous breakdown.
- Take Study Breaks. While studying is certainly important, taking breaks from studying is just as important. It’s not healthy to study non-stop for hours on end. Take a break, whether it’s going to lunch with a friend, watching some Netflix, or going outside for some fresh air. Taking a break can help rejuvenate your brain and keep it from being constantly drowned with information. It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel after. Just remember to not let them go on for too long!
- Drink Lots of Water. Water is very good for you—you’re supposed to get about 8 glasses a day. It’s better than drinking coffee or something caffeinated, which causes you to crash. Staying hydrated is not only good for you, but keeps your energy up and refreshes you, especially during those long nights of studying.
- Get Plenty of Sleep.
While it may be tempting to pull an all-nighter for that midterm, try not to. It may seem like you’ll have more time to study, but your body and brain need sleep in order to take a break and retain information. Not sleeping can cause you to be really tired and not remember a lot of that information that you stayed up late studying for in the first place. - Reward Yourself
Studying can be tiring, long, and gruesome, so you should reward yourself after you get a certain amount done. Set goals for yourself, and after you’re done with a subject, or even halfway done, then treat yourself to something—ice cream, a smoothie, or even some Netflix (just don’t over do it!). This will help make studying more bearable. - Start Studying Ahead of Time.
With so much information and so many tests, it’s important to start studying way before the night before. While it’s certainly hard to have the motivation to do this, it’ll give you more time to study and allow you to break it up over a period of time. This will help avoid cramming and you’ll definitely thank yourself later. - Don’t Forget To Eat
It’s easy to get so lost in studying that hours go by and before you know it, the whole day has gone by without you eating anything. You may think that you can’t waste any precious study time with going to eat, but you can always go get something and bring it back to the library or wherever you’re studying. It doesn’t even have to be a meal, but make sure it’s something substantial like an apple or a bagel. Food gives you the energy to stay awake and makes sure that you can keep studying. - Call Your Mom
Even though studying will probably be your number one priority during midterms week, calling your parents might be a good idea. It’s a good study break, and there’s nothing like a good mom (or dad) pep-talk! She can help you with studying strategies and make sure that you have a positive attitude about it. Your parents always believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. It can be surprising how far a call home will do. - Get Exercise
Sitting in one spot in the library for hours on end isn’t good for your body. It’s important to stay active, especially during midterms week. Working out helps release endorphins in your body and makes you feel more relaxed. It will help clear your head and make it easier to go back to studying later. It’s a great study break, even if it’s just for 20 or 30 minutes! - Keep Your Eye on the Prize
Lastly, amidst this stressful, overwhelming week, it’s important to stay positive and see the light at the end of the tunnel. In the end, grades don’t define you, and it’ll all be over very soon. Having a countdown can help to see how many days are left until the freedom of spring break. Just knowing that you did your best should be comforting and you’ll be done before you know it!