Whether you're a freshman or senior, girl or guy, staying safe while partying is important. Here are a few ways to make sure to take care of yourself (and others) when out and about:
1. Come together, leave together.
Unless previous arrangements have been made, if five of you show up at a party together the same five of you need to leave together.
2. Bring your own drinks.
The best option for drinking at a party is bringing your own drink from home so that you know exactly what and how much you are drinking. You can put it in a take-out and toss it when it's empty so that you don't have to worry about losing a nice water bottle.
3. Watch them pour it.
Some frat parties have kegs or big containers of punch that they share. If you decide to get some, make sure you watch them pour it in your cup. It is very easy for someone to slip something into your drink if you aren't paying attention.
4. Know your limit.
If you know you can only drink four White Claws before you become trashed, don't drink six at a party. Not only will this ruin your friends' night because they will probably have to bring you home early but you won't be able to watch out for yourself.
5. Pee together.
If six people go into the bathroom together, it's not weird, it's smart. That way you have plenty of people to hold the door shut and yell "One second" at the top of their lungs to the people waiting.
6. Watch your friend's body language.Â
My friend group is so close that we can just look at one another and know if someone is uncomfortable. Pay attention to one another and if your friend looks like she isn't comfortable around someone, pull her away.
7. Have someone stay some-what sober.
Make sure that there is at least one person in your group who will stay sober enough so they can help if anyone has gotten into trouble.
8. Have a safe way home.
If you need to drive to where you are partying, make sure you have a DD back. If you can walk back, make sure you know the route well and try to stay in well-lit areas.
9. Leave if you're unconfortable.
If you feel off about anything, a person, place, etc., leave right away. It's better to be safe then sorry.
Stay with your friends, be aware of your surroundings, and have a plan.
There are 10 things to keep you safe when you're out with friends!