College can often be overwhelming and stressful, no matter where you go. You don't want your mind to get tired and not retain the information you are learning. So if you have been staring at that screen for two hours, here's a list of tips and tricks to try to relax and de-stress in college!
1. Go for a run.
Any kind of exercise really: yoga, swimming, maybe even a cycle class! Letting your mind wander while burning some calories is a great way to loosen up before having to buckle back down and mark some things off your to-do list.
2. Unplug.
Whether this means taking a nap, going outside, praying, taking a bath or reading a good book. Just close those little screens and turn your devices off for a while. The hardest part is the first step and actually turning it off. You will only relax more once you have taken a step back from virtual reality and start looking at the things that surround you!
3. Meditate.
I'm not saying go to a yoga class, although that can be beneficial, but just take a few moments to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. It doesn't have to be for a long time, but a few minutes of just deep breathing and refocusing your mind before jumping back into things can make a big difference.
4. Time management.
If you can proportion your time, you can do anything that helps you relax. Just make sure you are doing it in appropriate amounts. So if watching an episode of FRIENDS helps you relax from that study guide you've been working on for the last 3 hours, then take a break and turn on some Netflix. But if you are spending more time 'de-stressing' by watching hours of Netflix, it's only gonna make you panic when you get back to business. So watch your time and plan out a schedule to stick to beforehand.
5. Play with some animals.
Most schools will have service dogs set up when it's a stressful time like finals and midterms to play with and de-stress. But if things are piling up when it's not during big test weeks, try volunteering at an animal shelter, babysitting a friend's dog, or even going to Pet Smart.
6. You can't say yes to everything.
There is always things going on in college, but you can't be a part of everything. If you have a big test on Friday, it's probably not smart for you to go out Thursday night. Although you might be missing Wine Wednesday or Thirsty Thursday with your friends, you have to say no at times. Try getting a study group together during these nights so you aren't as tempted to give up on working and go out. This way you can be reliable for others as well as yourself.
7. Do one thing at a time!
This is so important, especially if you have a lot going on. Make a plan and a list of everything you need to get done, then take one task on at a time. Have one task and work towards it until it's complete. Multitasking is not a productive method when you are stressed as your mind won't be able to settle down and focus on one topic fully!
8. Focus on what you can control.
There is no point in stressing out about having 2 tests on the same day because there is a very low chance you will get them changed. Focus on the preparation of the test instead. How are you going to divide up the work evenly to know the information for both in time? Take it day-by-day rather than looking at the big picture and being overwhelmed and exhausting yourself.
9. Look for opportunities in life's everyday challenges.
You are only given what you can handle in life. Make the best of it and know that everything happens for a reason. Be happy and look at the positive side of every outcome.
10. Believe in yourself.
You cannot achieve anything successfully if you don't believe in yourself. If you walk into a test or turn in a paper confidently then there is a better chance that you will do well on them. Doubting yourself and your knowledge of the subject will only make you start questioning other things you do know.
If you work hard, try your best and believe in yourself, there is a higher chance of success in whatever it is you do. Don't stress yourself out, take some time to do a few of these things and relax. One day at a time. One thing at a time.