Although it may seem impossible to believe, not everyone is able to enjoy those longed-for summer months. For many it can be a time of reflection and despair, but following these simple tasks can aid in preventing that from occurring.
1. Limit your usage of social media.
Although you may feel your summer has been pretty successful, there may be times when you'll become envious at the activities that others are posting about. Limit your usage of social media sites especially when you're feeling "down in the dumps."
2. Stay physically and mentally active.
Moping around will allow for those negative thoughts and emotions to slip through the cracks much more easily. Set some time aside during each day for a quick workout or some quiet time with a good book.
3. Work on getting the right amount of sleep.
Summer is a great time to work on discovering the right amount of hours of sleep that is appropriate for you. The school year has put many of our sleep schedules out of whack, but it is quite possible to put it back "into whack."
4. Focus on being productive, so that next summer can be a blast.
Whether you've picked up more hours at work, have accepted volunteer or internship opportunities, or have been spending your time doing things that are important to you, then applaud yourself for trying to better your future.
5. Play online video games.
Whenever you're feeling lonely, just venture to the online world of gaming. No matter what time of day it is, there will always be someone online to keep you company.
6. Try to get a good amount of sunlight everyday.
It's a known fact that moderate exposure to sunlight has many great benefits. According to the article What Are the Benefits of Sunlight? getting some rays allows for some well needed vitamin D, and can help in the prevention of seasonal affective disorder.
7. Don't be afraid to rock those awesome summer clothes of yours.
Summer is definitely the season of swimsuits, shorts, dresses and flip flops. When wanting to rock a summer-look you must keep in mind that the "perfect body" does not exist. If you're comfortable with wearing something then by all means do so, and tell those who would beg to differ that you can wear whatever the hell you want.
8. Find fun ways to cool down.
From hitting the beach to having an awesome water balloon fight, the summer heat allows for fun and creative ways to come about when trying to cool off. Take a dip in the pool or load up the ole super soaker.
9. Create new bonds, or strengthen old ones.
Becoming detached from those who were once close to you, is apart of life--but that doesn't mean that you have to sever communicating with them. Schedule a hang-out session with an old friend, or go out and try to make new ones.
10. Explore your city/town.
If you're spending your summer back at home, try to check out what has changed since you've been away. A new adventure may be awaiting you just around the block--literally.