So the glorious, yet horrible last week of school is here, which means tears, agony, but also the eventual freedom. As college students, we know finals come at the end of each semester. However, we also choose to not prepare for finals like we should. Well, it looks like finals have finally arrived, and this is typically my prepping philosophy:
1. Crack open that dusty old book that hasn't seen the daylight since you rented it.
And don't even try to justify it. We all rent books "just in case," but most of the time half of our books rot in our backpacks, or just in our dorm room, not even being put to use.
2. Attempt to read the book.
Maybe look at the information and see what exactly you're studying. Hopefully, you have some idea by now, but looking at the book is a whole different story.
3. Shed some tears.
When you actually look at the book and start to read it, tears are probably going to well up in your eyes, because you have realized that you're going to be a failure.
4. Scroll around on the Internet.
I mean, you could be studying, but you could also be watching vines, so what's the real priority here?
5. Netflix.
Trying is pointless anyways. Let's get back to "Grey's Anatomy."
6. Cry again.
Don't even pretend that you're not going to. Maybe you're crying because of your Netflix series. Maybe you're crying because you're stressed. Or maybe you're just crying. Whatever the specific reason is, the tears will come.
7. Eat.
Comfort food is always a must. It lifts your spirits, that's for sure.
8. Sleep.
If the food didn't quite hit the spot, then opt for a nap. It'll make the sadness go away.
9. Wake up... and get your crap together.
Now it's actually time to study since your final is in two days. You've pushed the limits, but you knew you were going to study.
10. Cram.
As horrible as the process of finals are, studying is actually kind of a must. So quit moping, get to the library, and make some study cards. Believe me, they'll pay off.