As I inch closer and closer to the 10,000 pin point on my own Pinterest, I can only think of the incredible wonder that is the world of Pinterest. The site was released in 2010 as a "catalog of ideas" rather than a social media and has become one of the most popular sites visited on the internet. In 2012, the site was the fastest site to ever break the 10 million unique visitor mark! And while it is confirmed that the majority of its users are women, the site still offers something for everyone. And these are the 10 ways Pinterest is God's gift to the internet!
1. Its unique feature to "repin" or save ideas
You can save every hair color, pie recipe, life hack, living room setup and wedding dress without hitting the Bookmarks button. As one of the most utilized feature Pinterest offers, "repin" ing ideas allows everyone to save those good and bad ideas for a later date.
2. The ability to view multiple ideas/Pins at once
Multitask viewing so you can see five pins at once! Even three pins at once on a phone is not too shabby!
3. Links users to outside sources
Pinterest: Connecting you to super cool, trendy sites since 2010. Never have I ever felt so connected to personal and professional blogs and small creative businesses. Pinterest creates a completely new and innovative approach to online community.
4. The ability to directly send Pins to friends and followers
You get an outfit idea! You get a Christmas gift hint! You get a Buzzfeed quiz! I love sending (and receiving) a good meme or gif! It's always fun to see that someone has thought of you while they scroll through Pinterest!
5. The organization and categorization
My OCD addiction can sleep at night knowing I placed the right recipe in the correct board. However, when I go to "re-organize" my Pins every once in a great while... I do end up finding recipes in my nursing and movie boards.
6. Its new option to directly shop
One of the newest features... And quite possibly the most dangerous. Oh, the joy of not having to delve deep into the internet just to by a quirky t-shirt!
7. The glorious Search Bar
Your guide to endless limits! The Search Bar smartly offers suggestions based on trends, preferences, and popular searches! Allow yourself to get to all that you want and need easier and faster!
8. Letting others how well the idea worked out
Another recent addition allows users to give feedback about how they tried a Pin and how it went! GENIUS.
9. Follow just Boards without actually following a specific "Pinner"
Just like what they Pin for recipes but not their one million repins of crop tops? This option is for you ;)
10. It learns what you like
The site tracks your searches and remembers what pins you may or may not have seen! Yay, technology!
Pinterest is saving one Thanksgiving at a time and planning every wedding with ease. Praise the Lord for the beauty beheld site that is, Pinterest!