People always ask me, "How do you stay so positive? or Why doesn't anything bother you?" and I often don't have a clear answer. I decided to take a moment to reflect on myself and my life and the way I react to any problem that has came my way or may come my way. It's not a matter of "anything bothering me". It's just a matter of this inner peace and understanding that everything does not deserve my energy or my peace of mind. Here are 10 tips on how to stay positive or as I like to say... "un-bothered", which all started with one of my random Twitter rants. (Excuse any short spellings. We all know how aggravating Twiiter's 140 character limit can be.)
#1 - DON'T HOLD WHAT BOTHERS YOU IN. If you don't want to directly address some1 or something, write about it, tweet it, snap it.. Something
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
Trying to hold everything in only hurts you in the long run. I found that expression is the best way to release anything that may be bothering me, even if I'm not directly addressing whoever or whatever. We weren't given the ability to express ourselves without greater reasoning. It allows us to relate among the human race even when we think no one else can relate to our problems. After all, isn't that what social media is for (besides the huge networking and communication realm)?
#2 - DO WHAT WORKS 4YOU UNAPOLOGETICALLY. It's YOUR life so do whatever makes U happy;Those that love you will respect you unconditionally.
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
It took me a while to understand that I didn't need to live to please anyone, except myself at the end of the day. It's simple. When you live for you, life becomes much easier. You don't feel any pressure about the things you do because YOU know why you do what you do and what your intentions will be. The positivity stems from this formation of inner peace and understanding within.
#3 - MAINTAIN AT LEAST ONE CONFIDANT (Some1 you can tell your problems to & who will advise you genuinely or just be there to listen)
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
Having someone to listen to you is always important. Confidants allow you to have a verbal conversation with another human being who may know you personally or who may relate to your situation. It's also always good to have someone who you can call on when you feel like no one else is there, even if they don't have much to say. Confidants are trustworthy, easy to express to,and willing to help you see both sides of the perspective.
#4 - THINK POSITIVE. It's simple: the way you think effects the way you behave. Overlook what's wrong & embrace what's right!
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
The longer we reflect on our problems only makes the time period of those problems occur much longer. I always see the good side of the things that may seem to have went wrong. You have to trust the process of EVERYTHING.
#5 - BE CAREFUL WHOSE ENERGIES YOU DIGEST. The people you hang around on a daily basis wholeheartedly effect the way you see yourself & life
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
Hanging around negative people will eventually make you negative. It's not something you will notice firsthand. I often feel people's energies before anything,and I avoid all negative vibes as soon as possible. I just don't need that around me. How can I think positive, if I am surrounded by negative people? It just doesn't work like that.
#6 - NO ONE SHOULD KNOW EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT YOU. You have to be comfortable with being your own friend sometimes.
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
The less people know equals the more space for you to be comfortable with yourself first. Before running to your confidant, your best friend, or anyone else, try talking to yourself. This will also assist in the building of inner peace. Sometimes, you really don't need an outside opinon. Most battles mentally bother us rather than physically and that's something we have to be able to work on alone.
#7 - BE SPIRITUAL. Every1 needs a higher power to believe in that releases stress from you mentally & stress that shows physically
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
Spirutallity and religion do not go hand in hand for me. I consider myself a spiritual person, but the religious aspects of my spirituality are not the same. Belief in higher powers makes you let go of the problems or people that you can not control because he/she/it will handle it for you. Face it. We simply can't fight or win all battles alone.
#8 - IGNORE OUTSIDERS. People that don't know will always ASSUME&LIE. Be so comfortable with YOUR truth that rumors become humorous
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
Rumors used to bother me, but they became more humorous as the time went on because they were almost always never close to the truth. I look at it like this: people will only make up things about you when they want to know more about you or maybe even desire to be you. When you are sure of yourself and your purpose, NOTHING anything has to say makes a difference because everyone who knows you for you will love you and respect you. That's all that matters.
#9 - ALWAYS BE HONEST OR SAY NOTHING AT ALL. Keeping up with lies is draining& trying to explain them are pointless. Save yourself some time
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
It's true; the truth shall set you free! Honesty just feels so much better, and like I said, "Save yourself some time." This tweet explains itself.
#10 - KEEP YOUR PERSONAL LIFE PERSONAL, NOT PUBLIC (if you care about it). This decreases unwanted opinions, fake concern, & confusion!
— CS. (@_TeamaTeam) August 2, 2016
I don't believe in posting any personal business that I value wholeheartedly or fear judgement of. The new generation often falls short when deciphering the difference between what's meant to be public versus private and also understanding what it means to simply mind your business. If it's public, it's not private and if it's private, it's personal. I never talk about what truly troubles me because that's for me to deal with within my own space and not on a public platform. The less you give people to talk about in regards to what's truly valuable to you equals more freedom to live with perfect peace. You won't be bothered by opinions, fake concern,and confusion that may come your way.
The End.