The dreaded one hour break between classes. Not enough time to go back to really accomplish anything, but enough time to get incredibly bored waiting for your next class to start. In need of some tips? Here are 10 things to do to kill time on campus!
1. Coffee break!
Because staying awake in an hour and twenty minute lecture on Monday morning is too much for a person to handle on their own.
2. Foooood.
Find food and stuff your face so you're nice and sleepy - I mean nice and energized - for your next class.
3. Clean your place.
You're never gonna have the time you need to clean up your place, and things will pile up before you even realize!
4. Socialize.
The easiest way to procrastinate is to procrastinate together.
5. Social media.
When socializing is just too much.
6. Listen to music.
For when the sound of giggling freshmen is not quite as nice as Beyonce.
7. Call your mom.
Whatever she's doing is less important than her precious baby.
8. Finally apply for that summer job.
Might as well do something adult-like while Netflix is being slow.
9. Nap.
Tell me you've never seen somebody sleeping in the lobby of an academic building and thought, "Dang, they have the right idea!"
10. Study.
You know, if you're really desperate.