With all the information swirling around about the election, about the candidates who will become the nominees, it can be hard to keep up with all the information. Here are ten ways to keep yourself informed with all the going-ons when it comes to the upcoming elections.
1. Newspapers
While newspapers have been around for a while, the internet, and mobile devices have made it easier than ever to get access to them. Newspapers are really never neutral, but they will give you some of the information you may need in order to keep yourself up to date. Keep an eye on the biased statements in newspapers, but use them to keep involved.
Source: hswstatic.com
2. Non-biased Television
While I don't know if I personally believe this is possible, there are some networks that work the best they can in an unbiased way to bring political news. C-Span, like the picture above, is an example of one of these stations. While it might be a little drier than some of the other stations, it will give you the information you want.
Source: nsba.org
3. Social Media
Social media can be a great resource to figure out what is going on in the world. Many news outlets and candidates have social media accounts and can keep you updated on what is going on. On top of this, friends, family, and others can also keep you updated if you're not a fan of watching politicians on social media. All of us spend a good deal of time on social media and it is a great way to keep informed when everyone is sharing information in this day and age.
Source: mobileday.com
4. Vote Smart
Votesmart is a website where you can get reliable, and easy information on candidates' issues, how well they're doing, and what they've said. You can then compare the candidates to each other on one website rather than trying to have six different tabs open to compare.
Source: lifehacker.com
5. Politifact
This website researches every statement made my candidates (and all politicians) and evaluates them for how truthful they're being. The main goal of this website is fact checking and making sure that the voters know what is really going on.
Source: politifact.com
6. Phone Apps
With the elections coming up there have been several apps put out in order to check the information right from your phone. With apps like 270towin and Politifact mobile, there are new ways to check with the click of one button. Once we get closer to the presidential elections the amount of these apps will grow in number.
Source: adweek.com
7. Internet
The internet is basically everywhere at this point: we have computers, phones, tablets, and more. A quick google search will leave you with a lot of information to sort through. You can get newspapers, radio shows, tv shows, and more online so if you miss something you have access to the information anytime.
Source: http://sdasia.co/
8. Radio
Radio, once again, while old is something that provides information on the elections. Stations like NPR, or CSPAN radio will keep you up to date on debates, and how things are going with the elections if you don't want to turn on the tv, are driving, or walking around.
Source: http://newhouse.syr.edu/
9. Television News Outlets
While this one may seem the most obvious, it can easily be overlooked. Many people today don't want to deal with the political ads (myself included) and almost always want to just avoid the TV entirely. However, despite the biases that almost all news stations have, they can provide access to information, to debates, and even to speeches the candidates make. Just be aware of what information you're getting, and what information is being forgotten about.
Source: harrycroft.com
10. Friends
While friends may not be the best source when it comes to unbiased opinions, those who are up on what is going on are sure to help you out if you ask. Watching and keeping tabs on how things are going with friends can also make things a little bit more interesting if this isn't exactly you're favorite thing to be involved in.