Tis' the season, folks. It is that time in every semester that makes you regret not taking advantage of all that "free time" you had in the beginning. Don't you just wish you actually did the readings now? Well, too late because midterms wait for no one. It is the second worst time in every college student's semester, the worst being finals, where the amount of work is impossible and your blood pressure is a scientific breakthrough. The thought of even breathing makes you feel guilty because it takes away your time to study. Do not worry too much! Everyone survives...I think. There are many different approaches one can take to minimize the stress and anxiety that can be overwhelming at times.
1. Make a game plan...
Write out everything you have to do and put aside a time to do each. This will give you a piece of mind that there is enough time to do it all and it is manageable. Even if it takes penciling in time to eat and take breaks, write it all out.
2. ...and stick to it!
Although it is helpful, writing out a plan can only go so far until you actually stick to that plan. This is very crucial. It is okay to spend more time on one thing or change the plan throughout the week; it is not a set in stone contract. The most important part is that you get done what you wanted to that day. Being behind can almost stress you out more, so it is key to make the plan easily doable when you write it.
3. Reward yourself
Motivation is key to coping with stress. During midterms, especially, it is hard to see the long-term effect. You have to find some way to motivate yourself. You can use breaks or Netflix to motivate yourself to complete tasks and work.
4. Food is your best friend.
First off, stress eating is not the answer, but food just makes people happy. Food can also be a motivating factor or just a good excuse to take a break.
5. A change of scenery
Do not study or work in the same place for too long. You may actually drive yourself crazy. It is good to sometimes find a quiet place where no one can interrupt you, but it is good to come out of the barrow now and then into civilization. You can still be working; being around people, in general, can put you in a better mood and take away some of the stress.
6. Do NOT isolate yourself!
Talk to people! Studying with others, at times, can be even more beneficial than working on your own. Even if people are not in your class, being around others working can motivate you.
7. Asking for help is okay
Office hours and review sessions are more helpful than you think. Asking questions puts you in a confident mindset and makes the week, overall, less overwhelming.
8. Take a break!
Working straight with no time to just breath is mentally unhealthy and not beneficial. There is such thing as overstudying and it is not good.
9. It is okay to sleep
Sleep is a lot more vital than you think. If you are tired during an exam, you will not be able to think as straight and all that studied material becomes useless.
10. Celebrate ;)
Once it is all said and done, throw yourself a party. All that hardwork deserves some fun at the end.