It's no secret that Hollywood tends to dramatize all aspects of life, and though college can be difficult and filled with drama, directors and actors still find a way to over-emphasize our daily troubles.
Before I came to college, I never wanted to join a sorority because of how they are depicted in movies and on television. But after I joined, I laughed at these movies and shows because of how ridiculously inaccurate, yet also accurate they were. So I decided to write a list to set the record straight and show you all 10 ways that Hollywood accurately described sororities and fraternities, yet totally gets it wrong.
1. Sororities and fraternities don’t just look at your physical appearance.
Don’t think that in order to be in a Greek organization you have to have blonde hair and blue eyes or be buff and like to drink. Sorority women and fraternity men come in all shapes and sizes so never believe you have to look or act a certain way to fit the cliché stereotype.
2. Each organization has their own personality.
3. There is drama always.
Take it from my good friend Cappie when he says there will always be drama when you are in a sorority and fraternity. Whether it is with your own sisters or brothers, or even with another organization, there will be drama.
4. There will be some fakers.
Sometimes you will come across those people who joined a sorority or fraternity just to say they are apart of one and other times people will pretend to be something they are not. So in circumstances like this, take Taylor's advice and just "Shake it Off".
5. Our mom's and dad's don't pay for everything.
6. Sometimes people will think they are better than you.
Whether it's a man or woman, there is always that person/organization that will always think they are better than everyone else and will find ways to make it very clear.
7. Ok, sometimes we party.
Ok, so we like to party once in a while. But, what college student hasn't raised the roof at least once?!
I know this may be hard to believe when all people ever see are pictures of girls squatting in front of letters and "throwing what they know" with their big/little, but I promise we really do care about giving back to our communities and making this world a better place. Just this past year the Cal Y chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon donated over 300 hours of their time giving back to their philanthropy and community.
9. We also care about our grades.
The Sigma Kappa chapter at my school currently holds the highest GPA with a 3.41 which is higher than the all campus average.
10. You will find your best friend.
No explanation needed for this one.
* Movies and shows used to make this possible:
- "Greek"
- "The House Bunny"
- "Sorority Wars"
- "So Undercover"
- "Monsters University"
- "Scream Queens"
- "Neighbors 2: Sorority Uprising"