There are going to be days when we don't feel like moving from bed, we want to lie there all day until our problems go away. But what we don't always remember is that it is simply a bad day, not a bad life. Whether it's because of a bad day at work, a break up, a fight with a best friend, or anything, you can be happy. Leave the past where it belongs and tackle today head on. What we all also know is that we can overcome these bad days, just like the many times before. So here are a list of 10 ways to make yourself genuinely happy.
1.) Accept the things you cannot change
Things happen for a reason, whether good or bad, it is meant to happen. If you can and want to change them, do it.
2.) Let go of people who are holding you down

If you considered them while reading this, you already know who these people are. As hard as it might be to let them go, it will better you as a person in the long run.
3.) Blast your favorite song

While you’re driving alone, on a long or short drive, blast your favorite music. Sing at the top of your lungs. Let the nice weather and good music make you happy because there aren’t always going to be these great moments.
4.) Go for a run

A nice, long run. Run until you feel good; and I promise you will. Even if the thought of running gives you knots in your stomach I promise you that it makes you feel better and it makes your big problems seem a lot smaller.
5.) Call someone you love

Just hearing their voice will make your day.
6.) Share a random act of kindness

I promise you, it will be returned. So pay for the person behind you at the toll, pay for that ladies coffee, sit with someone who is eating alone. It will make their day, and yours.
7.) Smile

Whether it’s at a friend or at a stranger, they will return the favor.
8.) Rip up the past

Whether its a letter from an ex, old pictures with that friend who stabbed you in the back, bad grades from high school. Rip. Them. Up. It feels amazing.
9.) Watch your favorite movie

Even after the 30th time, it’s still the best.
10.) Realize that you are your own biggest critic

People do not see all the flaws and faults you see with yourself. So realize that they are not imperfections, they are perfect and unique. They make you, you.