Karma is alive and well, and even the best of us need a little reminder sometimes. Regardless if it's the smallest of gestures or something unbelievably gracious, you have no idea how big an impact it could potentially make on someone else.
1. Hold the door open for people.
2. Recycle! This is one of the easiest things to do that we tend to forget about. Our future generations will thank you.
3. Let people off the elevator first before you get in.
4. Tip the waitress/barista/etc. at least 15 percent if their service was good.
5. Give a homeless person a healthy dinner - you never know when their last full meal was.
6. Pay for the next person in line's drink at your favorite coffee shop.
7. Collect your extra change in a jar somewhere to donate to charity.
8. Smile at a stranger, because you might just make their day.
9. Tell a loved one how much they mean to you.
10. Do one thing to take care of yourself - whether it be eating a healthy meal or taking a bubble bath. Remember that it's just as important to treat yourself well as it is to help other people.