2017 has only just begun, and it's already a difficult year. If you're worried about your future, the future of your friends, and the overall future of this country: congratulations, you're a good person! So you're probably wondering how you can help, right? No one wants to see this country crash and burn (except Trump, apparently), so if we all stick together, maybe things will be alright. Here are some good ideas on how to get involved:
1. Donate to Planned Parenthood.
This probably seems obvious, but it really will help. Planned Parenthood is in danger of being completely defunded, and that would be dangerous for many people. (Not just women). People go to PP for a number of different reasons, with only 3% going in for abortions. What else are they doing, then? They give pregnancy tests, birth control, cancer screenings, prenatal services, STI treatment, etc. The list goes on. So if you can, donate to them to help these things stay affordable for everyone.
2. Stand in solidarity with those being targeted.
With Trump as president, a lot of people are being targeted. Whether it's due to race, gender, sexual orientation, wealth, etc. a lot of people are vulnerable. So make a point to show you stand with these people. Team up with groups like LGBT clubs, BLM organizations, and others to give support and help create a safe space. LGBT youth in particular are vulnerable at school, so joining or even starting a club can do a lot to help. Stick up for POC, in your community and elsewhere. Fight to get more POC actors and actresses the parts they deserve on TV.
3. Be an unapologetic feminist.
A lot of people are under the misconception that feminism means hating men, and believing women are so much better. That is not the case. Feminism is believing women are equal to men. Do your best to stand up against sexism. Also, if your 'feminism' isn't intersectional, then it isn't really feminism. Support women of color, women of any religion, women from all over the world. Lastly, support your sisters-not just your 'cisters' Trans women are targeted as well and need support.
4. Help improve education in your area.
Better education will help people make better choices for themselves, and be more informed about the world. Devos is putting our education in danger. Start petitions, call your schools, do whatever it takes to keep programs going. Additionally, help educate those around you on important issues. Many people are believing things they see in the media that aren't true-politely set them straight.
5. Help pressure local governments to make their cities “sanctuary cities” for immigrants and refugees.
A sanctuary city is a city with laws that protect immigrants and refugees. These people need our help now more than ever, and we don't want a repeat of WWII. Sign this petition to help make more cities do this.
6. Protest, protest, protest.
I attended the Women's March in Boston and was amazed by how everyone came together for something like that. There will be many, many more protests throughout this year, so get involved. It really is a great experience and it will help promote change. The Women's March organization is helping people fight back every day. Check it out and do what you can.
7. Be proud of your efforts.
Don't be afraid to speak out and be open about what you're doing to create change. Someday kids will be reading history books and learning about the people who fought back this year. We will be the good guys in the future movies. Plus, if you speak up about it, chances are you'll encourage others to do the same.
8. Donate to the ACLU.
The American Civil Liberties Union is an organization that works every day to defend our rights. Without it, we could all be in serious trouble. They are currently doing their best to fight against Trump's policies, but they do need help. If you can, donate to them to help the cause.
9. Get in touch with your local government.
Reaching out to your government officials can help a lot when wanting to promote change. It's more important now than ever to get their attention and let them know what the people want. This is a democracy (for now) so we all have the right to speak out and fight for our rights.
10. Lastly, sign this petition.
Yes, a petition to impeach the president might seem silly. But you never know, really. The people have spoken (over 800,000 so far) and we do not want four years of Trump and Pence (and Bannon, and Flynn, and Sessions...). There's also a petition on the White House website you can sign.