10 Ways To Destress Around Finals Week
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10 Ways To Destress Around Finals Week

Try some ways to destress and relax during the week from hell.

10 Ways To Destress Around Finals Week

Final exams can be one of the most stressful times in the semester. Just remember that you can do it and reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness. We have all been there and we should all be there for each other in this desperate times in our lives. You can do it!!! I believe! Below are some ways to take the stress out of finals week, at least as much as you can.

1. Take a nap!

Sounds a lot easier than it actually is, but taking even a little snooze can be incredibly helpful. I like to take NASA naps if I accomplish a few task that I needed to get done. NASA naps are quick, relaxing bursts of sleep that last around 20 minutes. However, longer naps are encouraged if you have the time. Anywhere you can find a place to rest your head, go right ahead, and if someone tries to come for you, ask them what their priorities are and tell them to screw off. You can then return to your nap. I was this little child last finals week. I'm not gonna tell you where, but the struggle was real.

2. Try Some Yoga

Just a little. Don't go crazy or anything. Stretch and move around, if you stay in a stationary position reading or slumped over your computer slowly sliding down the chair, you should get up. There are beginner videos everywhere for everything from fat burning to pre-bedtime relaxation. Exercise is also a wonderful distressing method, but a simple stretch can be quite rewarding. You don't have to be as flexible as the woman in the picture, I'm certainly not.

3. Schedule Some Time to Get Out

Take this as you will. When I think of getting out, I suggest walking out of the library or your dorm room and getting some food, going for a walk. Breathe, get some fresh air. Hopefully, it's not raining. I wouldn't let that stop you. If you feel the stress of papers and lecture exam, etc. boiling over, taking a minute and getting away from finals and doing anything. I am this girl all the time when I have a lot on my to-do list.

4. Do Some Spring Cleaning

If you're like me your working area is a disaster. Your room is a disaster. There is stuff everywhere. If you're living in a dorm or moving into a new apartment or house, you having some packing to do. Why not start during finals? Take a little study break and put some stuff in suitcases. Cleaning the crusty, sticky stuff in your dorm fridge. Decide what food you're going to be stuffing in your face the rest of the semester and save the rest for home, if there is anything left. Break out that duster and take a break. It is certainly something on your to-do list that you can get done.

5. Treat Yourself

Similarly to getting out, treating yourself, Donna from "Parks and Recreation" style, is needed. Eat something healthy and delicious to fuel your soul for finals. Eat a little bit of dark chocolate. Don't go too crazy, but certainly treat thyself. I suggest get a manicure or pedicure, or getting a message, or if you don't want to spend money, because college student status, go on a random adventure , or use that "fake money" meal plan to hit up the market or dining hall. Love yourself, treat yourself, and self care gurl.

6. Create a Study Schedule

I am disgustingly organized, or at least I try to be, so this is my life. However, some are not as scheduled and orderly. Finals week is the one week of your life you can be the most organized person in the room. There are apps and websites that can help you. You can use Excel or a word document to make tables or just make a list. It is incredibly rewarding to check off something on your list or know you will make it to all of your finals on time. You will thank yourself later. Trust me.

7.Watch A Few Nonsensical Videos

This is something I certainly will be doing. Hit up YouTube, Tumblr or Buzzfeed and spend an hour watching some crazy videos. Whether you watch some classics like "Where's the Chapstick" or "Chocolate Rain" or a random challenge video like the Chubby Bunny Challenge. Buzzfeed is a never ending source of funny videos about whatever you can think of. A personal favorite is when they gave drunk girls puppies. It was absolutely hilarious. Just don't get lost in the magic, because from personal experience, it can be 8pm at one second and 1am the next. Watch a few, not a series.

8. Take a Relaxing Shower or Bath

This may be a little hard in a dorm room, but you can certainly try. Light a few candles, or blast some of your favorite chill tunes and sink into the joys of water and bubbles. Breathe in and out as the soapy bubbles surround your body with love and warmth. Are you sold yet? I'm already in the tub with that description. Even just a shower to make sure you are sparkly clean and refreshed is a nice way to relax before a big exam or relax while studying. So get in your birthday suit and jump in the tub.

9. Drink Responsibly

You might not want to follow the meme on this one. Always drink responsibly but a glass of wine or two after a night of studying is a good way to destress. Pick out your favorite bottle or box (no judgment) and treat yourself to a little drink. This is an encouraged group break activity, maybe even a group project break. Be responsible, be smart, and get a little slip.

10. Talk it Out or Vent to Someone

Sometimes the best way to get rid of all of that stress and anxiety is to talk to someone about it. Whether they are a fellow student living the struggle of finals with you, or if you reach out to your parents or a significant other to vent to. Releasing tension and just letting it all out can be very helpful. I know this is very helpful for me. The struggle can be very real, but talking it out with someone or simply venting to someone, even if they aren't listening can be beneficial.

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