At USNA, we all have our home inside 1 of 30 companies. Within these groups of approximately 150 midshipmen, you will find a good mix of characters, each person different from the next. Some are the type-A "Michael Scott's" of the company, while others are the sly but witty "Jim Halpert's". Although we live where we work, each company is one big, dysfunctional family that has its moments, and we all know that there's no better way to describe a dysfunctional family than with "The Office".
1. Pretty much every Company Officer...
2. When your XO takes his/her job a little too seriously.
3. When the CC pulls through after formation with no announcements and says "go to meal".
4. There is always those 2 people who only admit to being "just friends" but we all know what's going on there...
5. Honestly, there's quite a few secret romances.
6. There is always one person who nobody has ever seen before.
7. When Friday rolls around, firsties somehow disappear.
8. When the PMO sends out the dreaded "inventory PRT email".
9. We all have that friend who walks around during study period talking to everyone because they are procrastinating to the extreme.
10. When it's that time of the year when all of the mando online trainings are due and your chain-of-command tells you the night before.
"The views expressed, [in this article] reflect personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Naval Academy, the United States Navy, any federal agency, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.”