1. When finals week has hit and you have three papers due the next morning.
2. When you are out and your friends need to remind you how socializing works.
3. When you go on a Grindr date with someone from the neighboring university
4. When all of your friends post on Facebook about all the life changing job opportunities and internships they've procured.
5. When you've auditioned for every student production every semester of college and never get a call back..
6. When you return home to the Midwest and your high school friends think you've been brainwashed by the Liberal University
7. When the high schoolers coming for campus tours disturb you with their unbridled enthusiasm for the college life.
8. When you go on a detailed lecture in class about a subject that you're very passionate about.
9. When you've returned from a long night out desperately in search of junk food.
10. That feeling when you overcommit to every organization, job, and club on campus