Some people say high school is the best time of your life. Others say college is. Some people even go as far as saying that college is just a better version of high school. But if you ask me, the two are totally different from each other. Here are some of the ways....
1. If you thought you were tired in high school, just wait.
2. You need to motivate yourself, take you own initiative. Your professors care, but only if you do.
3. You'll regret every single time you complained about what your mom was making for dinner after a week of dining hall food.
4. Although your classes aren't back to back (which seems totally awesome), doesn't mean you'll be done at 3 either. Be prepared for classes at late as 9 pm.
5. Your dreaded 10 page papers from high school turn into 20 page monsters in college.
6. You actually need to think about what you're doing with your life.
7. Your teachers weren't lying either, your high school A's and B's turn into college B's and C's if you don't increase your level of effort.
8. Your parents aren't there to tell you what to do, which can be awesome sometimes. But trust me when I say, you WILL miss having someone to keep you in line so you don't have to keep yourself in line.
9. Speaking of parents, they aren't going to be able to talk to your teachers or principle anymore to fix your problems. It's time to start dealing with your own issues.
10. Being sick in high school meant an awesome stress-free day off. Being sick in college means a stress-filled day of laying in bed missing home and fretting about all the material you are missing and how you're gonna have the to catch up.