1. Take out your ear-buds and enjoy the sound of the sorry birds that didn’t migrate (or that came back much too early).
2. Wear rain boots so that the beautiful sludge that occupies every square inch of sidewalk doesn’t woefully ruin your suede, leather, or etc. Hunters are much more equipped for a season of slush than are fryes.
3. In need of a glimpse of better times ahead? Keep your eye out for the patches of blue sky that fleetingly pattern the otherwise glaring gray cloud cover.
4. Walk into the winter-spring wind so it blows back your hair and you are momentarily part of a dramatic T-Swift music video on your way to class. (ALSO don't forget to watch her new Style music video!)
5.Start dreaming about summer because it’s never too soon to do so and because daydreams are always recommended.
6. Outsmart the weather with LAYERS, LAYERS, LAYERS. What starts out as a sunny morning filled with bird song can quickly turn into a bone-chilling, winter snow storm—or worse, what looks like a sunny day can be horribly chilly in reality. The moral of the story: layers. Wear a light shirt with a sweater and a jacket and you’ll be prepared for everything.
7. Drink tea! Whether you drink it for its herbal goodness or to keep your hands from turning into ice cubes, tea is always a great idea.
8. Glittens! …or Moves, whatever you want to call them. Sporting mitten-gloves is a great tactic for keeping your digits warm while allowing for the always-essential texting mobility for in-between class conversations.
9. Wear fuzzy socks inside your stylish footwear. No one will know that you are committing a major fashion faux pas… but your toes will and they will thank you for it.
10. Become best friends with your knit headband. It’s not a hat, so you aren’t conceding to the fact that winter still hasn’t just left already, but your ears will stay warm and your hair won’t end up in a total knot because the freezing February wind decided to frolic in your locks.