Fashion magazines have a huge influence on the fashion industry. It's where people in the industry or not, fashionistas and fashionistos all over the world get to tune into what's trending in fashion. They're used for inspiration for your outfits or photoshoots but they also shed light on cultures and people.
Vogue is arguably the number-one fashion magazine company worldwide. Some consider it "fashion bible" and if you find your favorite company, favorite model, photographer etc. you know it's legit. Vogue is run by editor in chief Anna Wintour. She's an inspiration to so many and helps produce the most wonderful magazine monthly. Along with their monthly print magazine, Vogue also does a great job using all their social media platforms to appeal to their audience. Their YouTube channel has 3.6 million followers who tune in to watch all about the latest fashion through interviews, recaps and beauty tips.
If you're anything like me, you can spend hours deep in the YouTube universe. Getting stuck in the blackholes on YouTube videos from three years ago and realizing it's 3 a.m., regretting it because you have morning classes the next day.
If you're looking for more of a reason to love fashion and get stuck in the dark holes of YouTube, check out these 10 videos from Vogue.