Virginia Beach has been my home for 20 years. As a local, I want to give you a guide to what you may need to know about getting around the ocean front. Here are ten things you should know about Virginia Beach to have a wonderful summer vacation.
1. Dolphins vs Sharks
Often people who are not familiar with the ocean often become frantic when they see fins in the water; thinking that the fin they saw is a shark. Before screaming shark, note that Virginia Beach is known for how often dolphins swim by. Go check out some of the dolphin tours out of Rudee Inlet and the Virginia Aquarium.
2. Red Flags
If you see a Red Flag flying from a lifeguard stand. There is some sort of restriction on the water. Go talk to the lifeguard closest to you and ask them what the restrictions on the water are.
Surfers may surf on the outer break. If you own a bodyboard, a leash, fins, and appreciable amount of skill – like real skill – you may also go to the outer break.
3. Beach Street USA
Beach Street USA is free entertainment for those of you who want to hang around the oceanfront. You can find acts from magicians to musicians.
4. Putt-putt Golf
There are so many places for you to go and check out. My suggestion: Jungle Golf.
5. The Jets Flying Over
In Virginia Beach, we have many military branches bases. Navy, Army, Air Force, and Coast Gaurd – Oceana Naval Air Base flies jets every day. As a local, I don't even hear them anymore, but I just want to ensure you that the jets flying are all routine.
6. The Boardwalk vs The Bike Path
At the oceanfront, there is the boardwalk and right next to it is a bike path. As visitors, I want to encourage you to walk only on the boardwalk – walking on the bike path is not a good idea. If you are crossing from the boardwalk to your hotel, make sure you look both ways before you cross for bikers.
Pro Tip: On 31st Street, you will be able to find King Neptune.
7. City Codes that you should know
Dogs are not allowed on the beach from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Dogs may be walked on the boardwalk between 6 AM to 10 AM.
If you intend to surf, you may surf Monday through Friday before 10 AM and then after 4 PM. Weekends and Holidays before 10 Am and then after 6 PM.
If you intend to skim board, you should head over to the pier.
8. What you should do when a lifeguard at the ocean front whistles at you
If you are in the water, they are likely suggesting you move closer – so do that. If you want to know what is up, go and talk to one of the lifeguards, they will talk to you and explain why they are whistling.
9. The best place to eat lunch at the oceanfront
Taste Unlimited on 36th Street
YNot Pizza on 33rd Street
Big Sam's on Winston Salem Ave
Gringos on Norfolk Ave
10. The best place to eat dinner at the oceanfront
Waterrmen's on 5th Street
North End Pizza on 34th Street
Harpoon Larry's on 24th Street
Pelon's on 36th Street