Vine is probably one of the greatest things to ever happen to me and to this planet. If you're having a rough start to your day or need a good laugh, take a few minutes to watch these.
If you don't know what Vine is, it was an app that you could download to make and share 7-second looped videos. Unfortunately the app isn't around anymore, but you can still look at old Vines.
1. Lean Back
I really wish I was the one who came up with this Vine, but I may or may not have recreated it with my friends.
2. Peanut Butter Baby
I don't know what makes a kid think they should smear peanut butter all over their brother, but I'm sure this is what my future children will do in their spare time.
I can relate to this little pup, I'll pretend to sleep when someone is trying to wake me up unless it sounds urgent.
4. Life Savers
I hate grocery shopping but I would probably have more fun if I went with them.
5. Church girls only
Hey, read your bible ladies.
6. I'll kill you
My friend does this exact pose when she's in the passenger seat and I'm driving and the light turns yellow. Instead of saying "I'll kill you," she screams "Whoa!"
7. Really Adam? :/
Everyone has someone like Adam in their life.
8. It's not funny
Me when my friends are making fun of me and I'm over it.
9. Oovoo Javer
I've never been to Oovoo Javer either. Have you?
10. If a seven second vine isn't enough for you, here's one of my favorite compilations
Instead of watching movies, I always ask if we can watch Vine compilations.