Christmas is a holiday of giving and receiving, and for most of us college kids that means receiving a variety of gift cards and some cash. We also know it is one of our few chances to actually go shopping before we return to scrounging around for change in our cars and eating pasta every night. Here's to spending our money the right way!
1. A Selfie LED light iPhone case
Essential for taking amazing selfies at all times!
2. Bath bombs from Lush
Stock up on stress reliever before it gets too late into the semester.
3. An agenda
It's a new year and that means that you probably realized that this is the year you need to get your life together. Make it a little easier by buying a nice planner that you will actually write in.
4. An aux cord for your car
With things like Spotify, Soundcloud and Apple Music, who wants to listen to the radio anymore? Get an aux cord and your friends will always love being in your car.
Buy it on Amazon.
5. Snacks for your apartment
You'll thank yourself later when you are stocked up on snacks and can't afford to buy groceries.
6. An HDMI cord
Now you can watch Netflix on your TV instead of your tiny laptop screen.
7. A White Board with Dry Erase Markers
Perfect for keeping your schedule straight and for studying!
8. A Keurig
Save money and buy a coffee maker for those times when you have piles of homework and studying to do.
9. Love Sac
The perfect thing to buy to keep your friends from always sitting on your bed.