With Pokémon GO being released a few weeks ago, there has been an incredible amount of hype surrounding the new game. Since its release it has held the #1 spot in the iTunes app store and has an estimated amount of 9.5 million active users a day. Its unique gameplay and interface has made it popular among young users, but has given long time Pokémon fans a bit of nostalgia and a new awesome game. Users are started to get tired of just catching Pokémon, going to Pokéstops, and battling in gyms all day. However these next few ideas to Niantic and Nintendo might just take Pokémon Go to a whole new level.
1. Trading
In previous games, as well as the shows, Pokémon can be traded among players. This could be beneficial to help people evolve other Pokémon, increase their Pokédex, or help win more gym battles. Other things that could be traded are items such as eggs, lures, or lucky eggs. These could be traded with other items or a certain Pokémon to help users level up or get rid of items they never use.
2. Battling Friends
I can't even begin to tell you how many fights with friends I've had over whose Pokémon is better or what type of Pokémon is the best. What would really help me out here is being able to battle my friends. This could increases chances to get XP, bragging rights, and another way to prove which team (Valor) is the best.
Credit: Se7en Sins
3. More customization
There are pretty much 3 styles to choose from, and you can't change them later on. Everyone has pretty much the same hats, shoes, and clothing combo. Why do I even need to wear a hat? More customization could include more colors, different styles, and a way to change it in the future.
4. Earning something for getting medals
Every so often I get a medal for doing something, catching something, or going somewhere, but I get nothing from it. Why can't we get things like maybe more customization, XP, or Stardust? Maybe even a fews coins to help us get some items? Why have medals if nothing is earned from them?
5. Different types of incense and lures
Wouldn't it be cool to have a lure or incense that attracts certain types of Pokémon? Like a water lure, ghost lure, or grass lure. This could help with evolving, increasing pokédex, and a new way to catch Pokémon. Also it would be extremely helpful to see how much longer and lure will last or where there are lures near you from a farther distance.
6. Additions to your journal
I think it would be really cool to see how far in total you've traveled to catch Pokémon. If you've hatched two 10 kilometer eggs that's over 12 miles of travel, why not show how much someone has traveled that day?
7. Easier to get candies
Some Pokémon are rarely seen in the wild making it harder to evolve them. I think if you transfer a Pokémon you should be able to get more candies depending on if it is evolved or not, its CP level, and overall how rare the pokémon is.
8. A better understanding
At first the game can be extremely confusing for new users, especially if they don't have friends who also play. Pokéstops could be extremely confusing especially when adding things like lures to it. Also there is barely an explanation of what each team is and what they do.
Credit: Twitter
9. More interaction
Sure it is really cool to meet people when you are out hunting, but it would be really cool to see a leaderboard of the top trainers in your area. Maybe there is this one person in your area that is always taking over gyms and you want to see if they are really as good as what appears.
10. A new or updated server
If I got 10 cents for every single time the game crashed on me I would be rich already. With 9.5 million active users a day the server needs to be top notch in order to handle such a large user base. The game is also much slower over WiFi causes the game to eat up incredible amounts of data. This is the first problem that Niantic and Nintendo needs to fix or their user base will begin to decline rapidly.