There are many words in countless languages that find themselves transcending English translation, but only a few are truly beautiful ways of expressing one's emotions. Here is a collection of a few of them:
1. "Komorebi" - Japanese
Komorebi refers to sunlight being filtered through leaves in a tree. The word is made up of three kanji: the first kanji means "tree" or "trees," the second kanji refers to "escape," and the third kanji means "light" or "sun."
2. "Waldeinsamkeit" - German
This word refers to a feeling of connectedness with nature and complete solitude and peace. It consists of two words: "wald," meaning forest, and "einsamkeit," meaning loneliness or solitude.
3. "Saudade" - Portuguese
Characterized by emptiness and nostalgia, Saudade refers to the feeling of longing for something or someone that you love which is lost. The term carries the idea that the object or person may never return and all that is left of it or them is your love.
4. "Goya" - Urdu
This word makes a reference to the feeling of a fantastical idea appearing to be one's reality. It's often associated with intense, good storytelling and requires a suspension of disbelief.
5. "Kilig" - Tagalog
Ever gone looking for a single word to describe the butterflies in your stomach that you get when something romantic happens? Well, you just found it. When used as an adjective, it refers to the exhilaration a person feels during an exciting or romantic experience.
6. "Mamihlapinatapei" - Yaghan
This is most definitely one of the most relatable terms on this list. Mamihlapinatapei refers to the wordless, meaningful look shared by two people who both want to initiate something, but are reluctant to do so. It can also refer to the private moment shared by two people who understand each other's emotions through nonverbal actions.
7. "Flâner" - French
Although very specific, I truly believe that this is such a beautiful word. It refers to the art of leisurely strolling the streets of Paris without any goal or destination simply for the pleasure of soaking up the city's beauty.
8. "Ya'aburnee" - Arabic
Another specific, yet beautiful word. Ya'aburnee refers to the desire for your romantic partner to outlive you so that you do not have to bear the pain of living without them. Although it may be selfish, it's truly quite romantic.
9. "Utepils" - Norwegian
This is the Norwegian version of "cracking open a cold one with the boys." Utepils references the act of sitting outside on a sunny day enjoying a beer. It also may refer to the first beer you drink outside on a warm, sunny day.
10. "Merak" - Siberian
Every had someone tell you to find happiness in the little things? Well this is the one-word version of that. Merak refers to a feeling of bliss and the sense of oneness with the universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures. It is the pursuit of small, daily pleasures that all add up to a great sense of happiness and fulfillment.