Do you remember move-in day? When you possibly didn't know your roommate at all? You both moved into the same tiny place, sat on opposite sides of the room and thought about what the hell you had gotten yourself into. If you're lucky enough, though, you were placed with a perfect roommate that understands you and all your weird little habits inside and out. Here are a few things I found to be inevitable when you're a little too close with your roommate.
1. Personal space is no longer necessary.
At first, you had sides of the room that all your things would stay on, but soon you sit in the same bed and watch Netflix, and all of your things are all spread out ... but she doesn't mind.
2. Brand new clothes come your way.
Possibly the best thing about being close with your roommate is the endless options on what to wear for that day. You have twice the possibilities!
3. Separation anxiety (after 20 minutes).
After one of you leaves for class and the other is stuck in the dorm room, you start to miss them. You suddenly find it harder to be alone, missing your roomie after being apart for 20 minutes becomes routine.
4. They never judge your choices.
The best thing about a super-close roommate is your dorm room becomes a no-judgement zone. You could do absolutely anything or make any decisions and it won't even phase them.
5. The excitement when you come back from a weekend apart is like no other.
Those two days away from your roomie were the longest two days ever. You can't contain your excitement when you're finally together again.
6. They slowly but surely become your mother, therapist and tutor.
Without any warning, they slowly become everything you need all wrapped up in one person.
7. You know more about them then they know about themselves.
Your roomie will tell you how they feel about something, and you'll find yourself saying out loud, "No, that's not how you really feel." You start to understand them on a deeper level and can detect bullshit within seconds.
8. The special small things you plan together.
You'll start to plan movie nights with each other and plan when/when not to go out. You love just hanging back and getting, even more, quality roomie time.
9. She's always right there after a tough day.
No matter how hard the day, she's always there with a hug and to tell you everything okay. You can always count on her support.
10. You can't imagine college without her.
You couldn't imagine your days cramming for a test or blasting music to go out, without her. It wouldn't seem right to be going through the craziness of college without her by your side.
Thanks to the best roommate ever. Xoxo and lots of love.