1. How they're never in their dorms.
Seriously, where does my roommate go after class until 11 every night?
2. How they actually manage to be productive in public.
I can barely manage to focus long enough to send a text when I'm in public, let alone actually accomplishing things.
3. How they eat every meal in the cafeteria.
Do they never take their food back to their room?
4. How they can manage to go to every single social event on campus.
Like, literally every single one. And often there's multiple events in one day.
5. They are literally always with people.
I can't go a whole day without time to myself, but somehow people manage to do it.
6. They know everything about everyone.
A person can just walk past us and they'll say, "You know what they told me last week?"
7. Everyone knows everything about them, and they're fine with it.
Like, seriously, how can you just be alright with the fact that everything in your life is common knowledge?
8. They have inside jokes with everyone they know.
I didn't realize everything was so funny.
9. They don't only have jokes with everyone, they also know everyone on a personal level.
How do you find the time to get to know everyone in your life personally? There are only 7 days in a week.
10. They always say what they're thinking.
No matter what. They always manage to say what's on their mind even when I can barely find enough of an opening to even respond to them.