Disney has created some of our most beloved characters, whether it be one of the Disney princesses or America's favorite snowman, Olaf. Although, these more mainstream characters are delightfully charming and definitely deserve their popularity, there are several other characters that are just as deserving. The characters listed below are long overdue for their chance to be in the spotlight.
1. Meeko - "Pocahontas"
2. Mushu - "Mulan"
Mushu has one of the most quoted lines in Disney history and he doesn’t get enough credit for it. Dishonor on everyone’s cows for not making Mushu as popular as Olaf.
3. Gus and Jacques - "Cinderella"
Two mice managed to steal a key
from the evil stepmother without her noticing and carry it up some really steep stairs to unlock Cindy from the
attic. On top of all that, they also had to deal with mean old Lucifer trying
to foil their plans.
4. Figaro - "Pinocchio"
5. Yzma - "The Emperor's New Groove"
6. Baloo - "The Jungle Book"
Baloo’s song, “The Bear Necessities,” should be the ultimate anthem for college students. Baloo suggests that we all lead a more simple, laid-back lifestyle. Don’t work too hard, Baloo sings, but instead, “forget about your worries and your strife.” I can definitely get use to that mantra.
7. Nana - "Peter Pan"
Nana is seriously the perfect dog. Can I please find a dog that will tuck me into bed, clean my room, and take care of my general well-being every day? Let’s be real, Mr. and Mrs. Darling would have lost their shiz if they had to take care of three kids all by themselves. I appreciate you, Nana.
8. Madam Mim - "The Sword and the Stone"
I think Madam Mim takes the cake for one of the weirdest Disney characters. She can turn herself into anything, whether it be a beautiful young woman or a freaky human-pig thing. And you have to admit the battle between Madam Mim and Merlin is both hilarious and legendary.
9. Thomas O'Malley - "The Aristocats"
When O’Malley first meets Duchess, he is the typical “bad boy” with obvious intensions. But as O’Malley and Duchess spend more time together, he falls in love with her and wants to be a step-cat father to her kittens, which wins Duchess’ heart (so cute). Take note from this alley cat, boys.
10. Ken - "Toy Story 3"
Ken’s dress-up scene does not get enough credit. Also, he genuinely cares about Barbie, even when she tackles him in his own Dream House (he’s successful, too). Throughout the turmoil between the Sunnyside toys and Bonnie’s toys, Ken always loved Barbie. I’m so glad that Ken and Barbie ended up together in the movie because if they didn’t, there’d be no hope for any of us.